British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Scottish Orienteering League 6, incorporating JHI Individual & Scottish Junior Cup 3, 09/10/2022

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
M18 (length: 6.7km, climb: 350m, 22 controls)

Other courses: M14 | M16 | W14 | W16 | W18 | Black | Brown | Short Brown | Blue | Short Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow
Point calculations
1,298.61 + (70.87 x (5,212.56 - T)) / 1,691.03
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Ewan MusgraveMAROCM200401:00:481364
2Euan TrynerSYOM200401:08:251345
3Adam MethvenBKOM200501:12:201335
4Emils UmmersSOM200401:15:371327
5Adam BarrieEUOCM200501:16:561324
6Ben SquireNOCM200401:19:201318
7Oscar ShepherdINVOCM200401:23:351307
8Daire O'BrienIRLM200501:35:02
9William LakeSBOCM200501:45:181252
10Christopher RavenSWOCM200402:39:341116
-Sam GriffinGRAMPM200400:40:29
-Josh HoareIRLM200501:41:03
Showing results 1 - 12 of 12