British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Moray Mix - incorporating Scottish Orienteering League - Lossie Forest, 24/10/2021

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Blue (length: 5.375km, climb: 75m, 17 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Short Brown | Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
1,075.60 + (64.91 x (4,086.87 - T)) / 646.83
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Robert HicklingBASOCM195400:49:351187
2Brad ConnorFVOM197000:50:191183
3Alison CunninghamFVOF196300:54:071160
4Callum ScottBASOCM195600:54:181159
5Crawford LindsayESOCM195500:55:311151
6Mary RossINTF197200:57:401139
7Heather FellbaumFVOF196300:58:161135
8Jane AcklandINTF196400:59:001130
9Rona MolloyFVOF196800:59:211128
10Beccy OsbornFVOF197200:59:351127
11Morag McLuckieMORF197201:01:501113
12Leslie DalgleishESOCM195001:03:171105
13Paul FergusonSROCM195101:05:021094
14Mark HollidayFVOM195601:05:361091
15Grant CarstairsTAYM195401:08:241074
16Nikki HowardMORF197401:09:301067
17Jacquie LairdF197201:10:041064
18Donald GrassieMORM195601:10:071064
19Callum HudsonINVOCM200401:11:441054
20Rachel KirklandFVOF197101:11:521053
21Elizabeth BarrMORF196701:14:521035
22Jim FinlaysonINVOCM196901:17:131021
23Ian ShreadINVOCM196801:18:191014
24Eric LovieGRAMPM195901:20:061003
25Helen RennieWCOCF197301:20:291001
26Laura FarquharsonGRAMPF196701:21:28995
27Karen FraserMORF197601:22:30989
28Tim O'DonoghueSOLWAYM195201:22:55986
29Hanne RobertsonESOCF197001:23:13985
30Alison MathesonINVOCF197001:27:13961
31Matthew ClarkKFOM196702:08:30712
-Frances BritainMORF197001:22:01
Showing results 1 - 32 of 32