British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Beecraigs East WEE, 24/05/2023

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Green (length: 6.3km, climb: 120m, 11 controls)

Other courses: Short Green | Orange | Yellow
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Yotam BertrandFVOM199200:42:44
2Grace MolloyFVOF200000:43:50
3David GodfreeFVOM197400:44:08
4Paul HammondFVOM197600:47:04
5Geoffrey MartinINDM198800:48:06
6Sam HuntFVOM200600:48:55
7James HammondEUOCM200600:49:06
8Isobel HowardEUOCF200500:49:20
9Scarlett KellyFVOF200800:51:35
10Tom WinsorRLCM198800:51:39
11Chris KellyFVOM197400:53:01
12Bryony McLeodFVOF199300:54:17
13John HeatonFVOM197500:54:24
14Louis ChapoyFVOM200600:56:15
15Esme KellyFVOF200900:59:05
16Rhys StanwixFVOM196400:59:45
17Rachel KirklandFVOF197101:00:56
18Alice McDaidFVOF198201:01:35
19Lucas WhitworthFVOM201001:02:47
20Rob TruswellFVOM197801:05:54
21Alexander HuntFVOM200901:07:24
22Kevin GodfreyINDM196801:08:31
23Robert NeilFVOM195701:13:35
24Simon HuntFVOM196501:16:30
25Margaret DalgleishESOCF195201:16:50
26Stephen O'NeillRLCM200201:17:19
27Lucie LecocqFVOF197801:25:53
28Leslie DalgleishESOCM195001:35:59
-Derek EastonFVOM195801:15:09
Showing results 1 - 29 of 29