British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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GRAMP Summer Series Glen Dye, 12/07/2023

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Long Tech (length: 4.25km, 16 controls)

Other courses: Short Tech
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Luke GrahamMAROCM200200:37:26
2Ranolph WhiteheadMAROCM200700:41:09
3Eilidh CampbellMAROCF200100:41:30
4Matthew ThompsonGRAMPM198500:44:49
5Rob JessopGRAMPM196800:45:03
6William NicolsonINVOCM197400:45:58
7Dan WhiteheadMAROCM197800:46:35
8Hugh NicholsonGRAMPM196600:51:22
9Ian HamiltonGRAMPM196000:51:31
10Sam GomersallGRAMPM196300:52:09
11Gabor Istvan SzelesMAROCM196200:53:50
12Adrian WillGRAMPM197401:02:03
13Gary MorrisonGRAMPM196601:04:24
14Margarita RadevaAUOCF200201:09:39
15Donald GrassieMORM195801:10:24
16Lesley GomersallGRAMPF196301:11:59
17Bob SheridanMAROCM196701:13:17
18Colin CranfieldMAROCM195301:20:05
Showing results 1 - 18 of 18