British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Waun-y-Llyn Country Park, 15/04/2023

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 4.6km, climb: 135m, 21 controls)

Other courses: Green | Orange

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Edward HalliwellDEEM197300:47:52
2Jon HateleyDEEM196300:48:21
3Dan FontDEEM199300:49:21
4Samuel DrinkwaterERYRIM199400:51:29
5Hannah HateleyDEEF200000:53:41
6Pauly JonesDEEM196500:55:27
7Anwen HockleyERYRIW01:04:22
8Paul ShannonDEEM195801:05:14
9Wang Ki YuenMDOCM198401:07:08
10Sarah BaylissWREF196801:08:42
11Gilbert LeeDEEM199001:10:39
12Mike SnellERYRIM195601:13:27
13Jim WoodERYRIM196001:14:44
14Chi Kin ChauINDM01:23:40
15Marty JonesERYRIM200801:26:48
16Maggie HateleyDEEF196301:36:16
Showing results 1 - 17 of 17