British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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ELO Local Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians, 28/09/2024

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 4.5km, climb: 20m, 20 controls)

Other courses: Corridor | Orange | Yellow | White
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Donald NaylorELOM197400:33:59
2Yotam BertrandFVOM199200:37:01
3Andrew CunninghamELOM197600:38:09
4Alison HardingESOCF196000:43:01
5Kevin HardingESOCM195900:43:45
6David WrightELOM197900:44:04
7Matt TinsleyESOCM197900:44:35
8Tate WoodhouseESOCM200900:44:51
9Duncan LeishmanELOM197000:45:41
10Megan WrightELOF197400:48:31
11Fiona ForrestRRF197400:48:48
12David SimpsonELOM197900:49:34
13Nigel SchofieldELOM196400:52:55
14Leslie DalgleishESOCM195000:53:19
15Victoria BailieELOF197800:53:27
16Margaret DalgleishESOCF195200:54:19
17Julie GardnerLOCF196000:56:50
18David AlcockM197401:00:19
19Cerys Vernon+1ESOCF201401:02:06
20Charlie Hardie+1INDM201101:02:26
21Jon RathjenELOM196901:04:22
22John OgilvieELOM196401:04:50
23Deborah GoodwinWCOCF196101:06:37
24Sandra RathjenELOF197401:10:17
25Jeff HodgsonELOM195901:11:46
26Bronwyn VernonESOCF200901:13:29
27Anne HoyESOCF195801:25:40
28Gordon NeilsonESOCM195501:36:41
29Robert FindlayESOCM194801:43:34
-Colin InverarityINTM195301:00:56
-Shona McGillicuddyINTF199401:06:53
Showing results 1 - 31 of 31