British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Yvette Baker Trophy Final (and open event), 07/07/2024

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Yellow (length: 2.3km, climb: 30m, 11 controls)

Other courses: Blue Open | Green | Green Open | Light Green | Light Green Open | Orange | Yellow Open

Point calculations
No eligible runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Samuel Crochet-DamaisWAOCM201000:16:00
2Sebastian ElderHHM201300:17:54
3Francis R.D.TVOCM201300:18:38
4Sebastian CarrAIREM201600:21:47
5Daniel ElderHHM201500:22:16
6Lucas WatersSOM201400:22:32
7Christopher WarnerSOM201300:22:38
8Thomas DilleyNGOCM201200:22:45
9Lauren SimpsonCLOKF201400:23:19
10Felix WoodsSYOM201100:23:31
11Hugh ScarbroughMVM201400:24:22
12Arthur ShawTVOCM201400:24:39
13William RochesterHHM201400:24:44
14Izabela WyattTVOCF201000:25:01
15Georgina R.D.TVOCF201100:25:09
16Joseph TrenellSYOM201400:25:14
17Tiernan McQuaidMVM201100:25:50
18Isla FindlayDFOKF201400:26:04
19Alex PughSOSM201200:27:15
20Kit DowningCLOKM201600:28:41
21Eliza-Blue ElliottSYOF201500:28:42
22Alfie AlcockAIREM201500:30:36
23Esther EatonWAOCF201500:30:53
24Isabelle RafteryHHF201400:31:40
25Lucie MorrisSBOCF201300:31:49
26Rafe CadmanSYOM201400:33:51
27Pippa RowanCLOKF201400:34:18
28Abigail WyattTVOCF201200:34:39
29Tunde FaragoHHF201400:36:40
30Menna DoubleSLOWF201400:36:42
31Timothy GreenTVOCM201500:37:42
32Fern DowningCLOKF201400:47:24
33Ailsa RankinWAOCF201500:49:18
34Alice RafteryHHF201600:55:34
35Hana PowellWAOCF201500:56:52
36Joseph EmbletonDFOKM201401:12:47
-Charlotte NauntonHHF201200:23:15
-Ida RileyWAOCF201300:42:10
Showing results 1 - 38 of 38