British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SE Night Champs, 09/11/2024

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 1 (length: 6.1km, climb: 150m, 18 controls)

Other courses: Course 2 | Course 3

Point calculations
1,185.35 + (100.89 x (3,820.80 - T)) / 1,469.69
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Tsz Chun Jason WongSLOWM200100:39:071287
2Brendon HoweSAXM196900:43:161269
3Matt HainesSLOWM200000:44:551263
4Mark FordSAXM197500:46:021258
5Euan MarshSOM199500:53:131228
6Charles AndertonDFOKM200200:54:281223
7Duncan GrassieSLOWM198300:54:471222
8Paul ToddLOKM197500:55:141220
9Simon EvansSAXM198000:57:501209
10Hal JacobSOM198601:02:171191
11John MethvenBKOM197001:05:261178
12Jonny WellsM197901:11:39
13David PickupSAXM197001:12:311149
14Richard PowellWAOCM197601:14:461140
15Anthony Covey-CrumpSLOWM197401:29:551077
16Paul TrussRAFOM198701:37:591044
17Jonathan WardWAOCM197402:21:25865
Showing results 1 - 17 of 17