British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Gabriela Hoyle

BOF number 265142 | Club PFO | Association NWOA | Current Points 728 | Current Ranking 4844th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
08/02/25 Alkincoats Park Light Green 00:58:57 6th Racing Chl: Bronze
18/02/24 CompassSport Cup Heat 8B 01:11:17 8th 728
12/11/23 CompassSport Cup Final 8B. Short green - junior women 02:14:39 19th 431
11/11/23 Compass Sport Final Warm-up Event and NGOC League Short Green 01:39:01 37th 483 Navigation Chl
05/11/23 LOC Cumbrian Galoppen Light Green 02:16:52
23/04/23 MDOC Philips Park Regional and YBT Heat Light Green 01:30:23 11th Navigation Chl
09/04/23 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Long (UKOL) 27 02:40:11
08/04/23 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Middle (UKOL) 19 02:09:31
07/04/23 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 8 (W16) 00:37:01 72nd 399
12/02/23 YHOA SuperLeague and YHOA Middle Distance Championships Light Green 01:55:24 18th Navigation Chl
12/08/22 Lakes 5 Days - Day 5 (UKOL) 14
17/04/22 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Long (UKOL) 27 02:59:50
16/04/22 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Middle (UKOL) 19 01:56:57 146th
15/04/22 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 8 (W16) 01:09:27 71st
13/02/22 Compasssport Cup heat Light Green 02:15:16 3rd Navigation Chl
15/03/20 CompassSport Cup Heat 9B 01:03:12 19th
08/02/20 PFO Spring Series 2 of 4 Orange 01:15:13 16th Navigation Chl
07/07/19 Yvette Baker Trophy Final YB Yellow 00:34:01 62nd
08/04/18 BL Cumbrian Galloppen Level C Orange 01:38:00 8th Navigation Chl
08/10/17 Aitken Wood (3/3) Yellow 00:33:29 4th Navigation Chl
09/04/17 LOC Cumbrian Galoppen Yellow 01:00:20 12th Navigation Chl
13/11/16 LOC/SROC Weekend (UKOL) Yellow 00:49:04 28th Navigation Chl
12/11/16 LOC/SROC Weekend (UKOL) Yellow 00:27:59 26th Racing Chl: Silver
23/10/16 Cumbrian Galoppen - High Brow Yellow 00:40:30 18th Navigation Chl
18/09/16 PFO HotPot Weekend - Long Distance (UKOL) UKOL Yellow (M10A, M12B, W10A, W12B) 01:03:47 8th
17/09/16 PFO HotPot Weekend - Todmorden Urban (UKOL) UKOL Yellow(M10, M12, W10, W12) 00:47:16 10th
10/09/16 London City Race 12 - Children 00:23:02 21st
26/06/16 The Dales Town and Country Weekend / YHOA Superleague White 00:47:00 2nd Navigation Chl
25/06/16 The Dales Town and Country Weekend / YHOA Urban League F 00:24:18 6th
05/06/16 LOC Cumbrian Galoppen Yellow 00:39:28 9th Navigation Chl
17/10/15 Tockholes Forest - Event 4 of 4 Yellow 01:18:10 10th Navigation Chl
08/08/14 Lakes 5 Days Day 5 17 00:43:00 42nd
07/08/14 Lakes 5 Days Day 4 17 01:05:51 31st
05/08/14 Lakes 5 Days Day 3 17 00:37:57 39th
04/08/14 Lakes 5 Days Day 2 (UKOL) 17 00:15:59 31st
15/06/14 City of Manchester Race, Twin Peak Day 2, Nopesport Urban League 7 - Young Junior M/W 00:46:25 9th