British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Paul Pickering

Paul Pickering
BOF number 277414 | Club WIM | Association SWOA | Current Points 3629 | Current Ranking 3199th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
03/11/24 Stirling City Race - Dunblane East (UK Urban League) (SOUL 9) Course 3 00:31:44 4th 1221
01/09/24 Scottish Sprint Championships (SOUL 6) - PM Course 1 00:15:59 2nd
01/09/24 Scottish Sprint Championships (SOUL 6) - AM Course 1 00:15:13 3rd
13/07/24 WOC2024 Tour - Indoor race C1 00:27:57 106th 1174
11/07/24 WOC2024 Tour - warm up (and SoSOL) Brown 01:28:13 53rd 1234 Racing Chl: Gold
30/10/22 SLOW National Event Brown 01:25:49 1st 1277 Racing Chl: Gold
17/04/22 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Long (UKOL) UKOL 6 (M35) 01:42:36 9th 1280
16/04/22 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Middle (UKOL) UKOL 5 (M35, M40) 00:47:11 22nd 1277
15/04/22 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 3 (M35, M40) 00:15:36 11th 1282
23/01/22 SWOL & SCOA Leagues - Ocknell, New Forest Brown 01:05:45 7th 1262 Racing Chl: Gold
22/01/22 Sarum Wessex Night O Score 00:58:54 8th
15/03/20 CompassSport Cup Heat Brown 01:15:34 8th 1280 Racing Chl: Gold
14/04/19 Sarum Urban event Course 1 00:40:53 5th 1260
13/01/19 SCOL4 Burley, New Forest Brown 01:02:47 14th 1275 Racing Chl: Gold
27/05/18 Tamar Triple (UKOL) UKOL Black(M21) 01:35:58 11th 1263
26/05/18 Tamar Triple Urban Event 1 00:34:39 8th 1305
01/04/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (UKOL) 5 01:57:34 5th 1271
31/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 5 (M35, M40) 00:44:25 18th 1286
30/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 3 (M35, M40) 00:15:18 6th 1299
22/10/17 CompassSport Cup Final 1 01:23:41 17th 1309
03/09/17 Caddihoe Day 2 (UKOL) and South West Long Distance Championships UKOL 1 (M18, M20, M21, M35, M40) 01:29:16 3rd 1322
02/09/17 Caddihoe Day 1 (UKOL) and South West Middle Distance Championships UKOL 1 (M18, M20, M21, M35, M40) 00:40:28 5th 1317
02/09/17 Caddihoe Urban Event (SEOUL) 1 00:22:12 2nd 1315
12/03/17 Compass Sport Cup Regional Heat Brown 01:06:24 1st 1322 Racing Chl: Gold
19/02/17 WIM Winter Warmer Brown 01:10:00 1st 1272 Racing Chl: Gold
05/11/16 Salisbury City Urban Course 1 00:55:30 5th 1316
27/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (WRE & UKOL) 5 01:38:47 2nd 1310
26/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) 5 01:28:28 3rd 1305
25/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (WRE & UKOL) UKOL 3 (M35, M40) 00:17:59 4th 1291
13/03/16 Compass Sport Cup and Trophy Heat Brown 01:08:02 10th 1309 Racing Chl: Gold
28/02/16 Midlands Championships (UKOL) Course 2 01:35:20 35th 1239
27/02/16 British Night Championships (UKOL) UKOL Course 01 (M21) 02:18:35 21st 1215
01/11/15 SOC November Classic Black 01:22:54 6th 1304 Racing Chl: Gold
18/10/15 Compass Sport Cup Final Brown 01:11:53 46th 1277 Racing Chl: Gold
05/04/15 JK Weekend Individual 2 (UKOL) 5 02:06:13 12th 1234
04/04/15 JK Weekend Individual 1 (UKOL) 5 02:10:54 11th 1215
03/04/15 JK Weekend Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 3 (M35, M40) 00:17:30 6th 1297
15/03/15 CompassSport Cup Heat 1 Brown 01:04:43 7th 1296 Navigation Chl
15/09/13 Caddihoe Chase - Day2 and Final Badge 1 (M21E) 01:38:14 2nd
14/09/13 Caddihoe Chase + SW Long DistanceChampionships Badge 1 (M21E) 01:55:48 3rd
12/02/12 Dorset Delight Brown 59:52:00 18th 1173 Navigation Chl
04/04/10 Day 3 (Individual) Course No 5 (M21L) 01:49:20 14th 1243
03/04/10 Day 2 (Individual) Course No 3 (M21L) 01:37:50 18th 1221
02/04/10 Day 1 (Sprint) Course No 10 (M35, M Open) 00:20:34 11th 1234
24/01/10 Compass Sport Cup Round 1 BROWN 01:06:55 5th 1292
12/04/09 JK Day 3 Middle/Long Course 5 (M21L) 01:39:30 10th 1243
11/04/09 JK Day 2 Middle /Long Course 5 (M21L) 02:10:02 28th 1190
10/04/09 JK Day 1 - Sprint Badge (M21L) 00:20:16 50th 1278
15/02/09 WIM Wimborne Winter Warmer & SWOA Middle Distance Champs Badge (M21L) 00:41:14 3rd 1259