British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Gillian Tuddenham

Gillian Tuddenham
BOF number 754909 | Club TAY | Association SOA | Current Points 1862 | Current Ranking 4022nd
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
09/02/25 Plean Regional Event (UKOL) UKOL Short Green (M75, W60, W65) 01:14:16 35th 618
05/01/25 MAROC Glen O'Dee Local Event Green
01/09/24 Scottish Sprint Championships (SOUL 6) - AM Course 3 00:28:20 30th 629
01/09/24 Scottish Sprint Championships (SOUL 6) - PM Course 3 00:25:56 28th 615
17/11/19 TAY East of Scotland Championships / SoSOL Light Green 00:43:16 5th Racing Chl: Bronze
03/08/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 6 (UKOL) C10 00:44:18 39th
02/08/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 5 C10 00:44:13 21st
01/08/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 4 C10 00:58:29 39th
30/07/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 3 C10 00:24:46 20th
29/07/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 2 C10 00:58:31 30th
27/01/19 EUOC Big Weekend - Arthur's Seat Orange 00:36:57 9th Racing Chl: Gold
19/08/18 Tay Local Event Pitmedden Orange (Short) 00:52:03