There are extensive accommodation options between the Sprint and Middle venues, and also a wide variety of tourist attractions.  You may find the following websites helpful:

Local Places to Go and Things to See:

Museums, wildlife centres, nature reserves, waterways, historic sites, homes, gardens, theatres, galleries, leisure and activity centres:


The Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC) Museum: Situated in Fox Lines, beside Car Park 1 at the western end of Prince’s Avenue. This is a small but friendly museum located in the grounds of the Army School of Physical Training. The items and memorabilia on display tell the story of physical training in the British Army from 1860 to the present day. There's an interesting display of Corps members who have represented their country at International and Olympic level. Opening Times: 12pm – 5pm (an additional hour to make it available to our competitors). Please bring photographic identification (e.g. driving licence) to gain easy access to Fox Lines. The following links may also be of interest: