British Orienteering

Acorn event

Sun 7th Apr 2019
Suitable for families
Suitable for young children
MTBO course available
Suitable for newcomers
Online entry available
Dogs allowed - constraints may apply
Ranking event


Venue:Eston, Wilton and Lazenby
Nearest town:Middlesbrough
Event centre:NHS Centre Flatts Lane Normanby
Postcode:TS6 0SZ
Grid reference:NZ552170
Parking information:Eston Moor and Lazenby Bank are on the south side of Middlesbrough, east of the A19 and south of the A174. Parking, registration and the finish are at the NHS offices off Flatts Lane, Normanby on the south side of Middlesbrough. For most people the best approach is from the A171 between Nunthrope and Guisborough, from which the event will be signed. (Please note there is no access directly on to Flatts Lane from the A174 eastbound). The grid reference of the entrance to the car park is NZ 552170 and the postcode is TS6 0SZ.
Dog rules:Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome in the Assembly Area, but are not allowed out on to the courses.


Description:SPORTident electronic punching will be used SIAC enabled................................................................. Entries: Pre-entries via Fabian4 are open now and will close on Thursday 4‑Apr‑2019. Entry fees:- Entry by midnight on Thursday 28‑Mar‑2019 – Seniors £11, Juniors £4, Families £28. Entry by midnight on Thursday 4‑Apr‑2019 – Seniors £13, Juniors £5, Families £33.50 (subject to availability of maps). Entry on the day – Seniors £14, Juniors £5, Families £35.50 (subject to availability of maps). Families are two adults and two or more children. Students pay the junior fee. Adults on the White, Yellow, Orange and Red courses pay the junior fee. Half price entry for CLOK helpers with the helpers' code. There will be a £2 surcharge for adults who are not members of British Orienteering.................................................................................................................................. Terrain: There are three distinct parts to the competition area. Eston Moor is a relatively flat area of open moorland with many paths, a few wooded areas and areas of thicker vegetation. Many parts of the moor offer fast running. At the northern edge of Eston Moor there is a fairly steep slope leading down to the farmland below. On the slope there are small patches of trees and a number of rock features. The bracken gets high during the latter part of the summer, but will be much less of a hiderance to progress at this time of year. The start is likely to be along this slope. Lazenby Bank extends to the east of the Eston Moor slope. The area is well contoured and wooded and adds a different navigational and physical challenge to the moor. The proximity to the Start allows all courses over 4 km to reach this area. Note: As the event is taking place in April and the competition area includes exposed moorland, it's quite possible that cagoules may be made compulsory. Please come prepared........................................................................................................ Map: Scale 1:10,000 with 5m contours. The courses will be overprinted on the maps, which will be printed on waterproof paper.......................................................................................................... Facilities: Toilet in the Assembly Area. Please bring your own water for after your run. There will be a NE Junior Squad cake stall. Please help to support our area's juniors while replenishing the glycogen stores in your leg muscles! If you are willing to contribute some cakes or other home baking, please contact Peter Firth via Safety: CLOK strongly recommends that you carry a whistle whilst participating in this (and every) orienteering event. A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the Organiser, but please remember that competitors take part at their own risk. Orienteering is an adventure sport – your safety while orienteering is your own responsibility. Pre-entrants will be asked to provide an emergency contact, and details of any relevant medical conditions, when entering via Fabian4. This information will be treated as confidential and destroyed after this event. If you are entering on the day and have a relevant medical condition please complete a form at Registration. Please make sure that you download even if you do not complete your course............................................................................................................ Insurance: Please note that if you have competed in three orienteering events registered with British Orienteering, and you have not joined an orienteering club which is a member of British Orienteering, then you are not covered by our public liability insurance.
Physical difficulty of terrain:Medium
Entry times:Registartion 10:00am-noon Starts 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Pre entrants proceed directly to the start
Punch type:SI
Hire fee: £1
Event number:73160
Event website:Click here
Final details web page:Click here


Course description:White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Light Green, Very Short Green, Short Green, Green, Blue and Brown. Note: The Red course (sometimes called 'Long Orange') is suitable for runners with limited navigational experience. It aims to give you a good run out with enough navigational challenge to make things interesting.
Colour coded courses:White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Very Short Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown
10.1km +
Very Easy
Very Hard
Course Technical Difficulty and Length (Km) are a guide to the standard of the courses offered.


Payment dateJunior/studentSeniorFamily/group
E.O.D.£5 (£5)£14 (£16)£35.5 (£35.5)
Non-member fees shown in brackets.
Online entry via:
Online entry closing date:04/04/2019

Contact us

Contact:Caroline Mackenzie