British Orienteering

Performance Pathway Group

Discover more about the role of the Performance Pathway Group here. 


  • The Chair, independent from other performance roles within Orienteering, appointed by the Board of British Orienteering
  • A non-executive Director of British Orienteering with responsibility for Performance, appointed by the Board of Directors
  • The member of staff who has overall responsibility for the management of the Performance programme, ex officio and who can represent Level 5.
  • A delegate for Level 4 (i.e. manager or coach) appointed by the Chair
  • A delegate for Level 3 (ie manager or coach) appointed by the Chair.
  • A delegate for JROS, nominated by JROS, appointed by the Chair.
  • Up to two athlete representatives, preferably one Level 5 and one Level 4, nominated by athletes, appointed by the Chair.
  • Up to one parent of a Level 3 athlete appointed by the Chair.
  • Up to two Independent Performance Expert(s) (eg ex athletes or coaches) appointed by the Chair, who are not otherwise currently involved in the programme.
  • Ruth Beale – Chair - Email 
  • A Director or British Orienteering; Duncan Birtwistle
  • A member of British Orienteering staff and level 5 delegate; Pippa Archer
  • Level 4 programme delegate; Tom Bray
  • Level 3 programme delegate; Peter Tryner
  • JROS delegate; Nev Myers
  • Athlete representatives; Jonny Crickmore and Euan Tryner
  • Talent squad parent; Dr Sarah Rollins
  • Independent Performance Expert; Jon Cross

Responsible for:

  • Set the philosophies, long term plans, annual targets and objectives of the Performance Pathway in line with the British Orienteering’s strategy (Thriving Clubs for a New Generation) and in conjunction with those responsible for delivery of the performance pathway programme
  • Discuss and approve the Selection Policy and membership of the Selection Panels for all GB representative international FootO competitions.
  • Provide those responsible for the delivery of the programme with expert advice and input on delivery, structure and resources and any challenging matters arising.
  • Act as one route for participants in the performance programme and other stakeholders to raise concerns or requests relating to the programme with a clear line of escalation through the PPSG Chair to CEO and BO Chair if required. Other formal routes relating to safeguarding, whistleblowing and staff performance already exist and should remain primary routes for these issues.
  • Consider any additional projects required to contribute to the Aims and Objectives of the Performance Programme and where appropriate submit to the Board for approval.
  • Provide the Board with formal reporting on a regular basis (at least annually), including logging issues or disagreements arising. This is not to replace the staff’s responsibility to report to board as standard.
  • Have no budgetary responsibility.