Join online

Join online

If you are already a member of British Orienteering please login to the website and renew your membership via the ‘My Account’ page. This will ensure that you keep your current membership number and will avoid you having to re-enter all of your membership and contact details again. If you have forgotten your login details, please use the forgotten login button on the homepage or contact the National Office.

NEW part-year membership offer – for New members only:

From the 1st May 2024;

Seniors – £10

Young adults – £7.50

Juniors – £3.00

Families – £25.00 (all members must be new members and not on the database to take up this offer).

No memberships will be merged with existing memberships.

Please note from 1 January 2025, any “new” members will need to renew their membership for 2025. British Orienteering membership runs from January to December each year. If you join between the 1st of November 2023 and the 31st October 2024 your membership will be valid until the 31st December 2024.

To get the most out of your membership and the orienteering community we recommend that you join your local club (and their Association) as well as British Orienteering. Most clubs organise training opportunities and social activities for their members so it is a great way to improve your orienteering skills and to make new friends. You can find details of your nearest Club by using the search facility.

However, if you would prefer to just become a member of British Orienteering, simply select BOF when you are asked to choose a Club and Association to join.

Membership grade*