British Orienteering

CPD for Coaches

When you achieve a coaching award it is the start of the journey to develop sport-specific knowledge and expertise. Take the opportunities when they arise to talk with more experienced coaches and with participants, both will become a source of knowledge and good practice. Our programme of education and support will continue to help you develop, with additional opportunities to learn and update/refresh knowledge always in development. Part of your journey may well include acting as a mentor – someone who helps advises and supports developing coaches. Click here to let us know you are interested in being a mentor coach.


CPD is how we as coaches maintain, update and develop our knowledge and skills in relation to being a coach. Bear in mind that not all CPD will be orienteering-specific. There are aspects of being a coach that require education outside of coaching skills and techniques. For example, maintaining recognised Safeguarding training, holding an appropriate first aid qualification, or attending a sportscoachUK workshop on Planning & Periodisation.

Examples of CPD:

  • As a coach, you can take an add-on module to assist you and your club to be more aware of physical preparation for their orienteering
  • You can attend a regional or national coaching conference to share ideas with other coaches
  • If you are a Level 2 or above coach, you can attend Level 3 Modules
  • All Level 1 and above coaches will be able to attend our range of add-on modules. These are specifically designed to assist you to add variety and technical know-how to your programme.  More information regarding add-on modules will be available later in the year.
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We are committed to developing CPD opportunities for coaches at all levels to ensure our coaches remain current, technically sound and safe to practice.

More information about CPD is contained in the CPD log template.