British Orienteering


Our sport offers many valuable experiences and opportunities for competitive and recreational orienteering. Our sport requires people with the desire and motivation to make a real difference - by choosing to coach.
Whether you are thinking about becoming a coach or looking to build on your existing skills and expertise, British Orienteering offers a range of opportunities that will enhance knowledge and understanding at every level and may well improve your own orienteering.

Becoming a Coach

There are many routes into coaching; as an enthusiastic parent, as a participant, as a teacher, as a young leader or simply someone inspired to be that person to make a real and positive difference. Whichever way you come to orienteering, as a coach you will have the satisfaction and pride in knowing you have helped others to participate, achieve and excel.

Coaching is at the heart of orienteering at every level from children and adults beginner participating in their first activity, through to preparing athletes for the World Orienteering Championships. Coaches are vital to the success of orienteering in the UK and are, in many ways, the people who will promote the benefits and enjoyment of taking part in orienteering.

Coaching Orienteering Matters

2023 Coaching Review Report & Recommendations


The Coaching Review was commissioned by British Orienteering to support the current strategic plan within the strategic theme of strengthening lifelong pathways.

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The report was completed in July 2023 and was carried out by Dr Tom Leeder from the University of East Anglia. Data was collected via an online qualitative survey, which was open for 11 weeks from 10 March 2023 to 26 May 2023, and was completed by 34 Orienteering coaches. The survey explored coaches’ experiences of attending and engaging with British Orienteering’s current coach education pathway, in addition to their suggested changes and improvements to any future provision. Three focus groups were conducted, with the aim of expanding upon their survey responses in further depth and detail, while discussing proposed changes. One focus group was conducted with coach developers to understand their thoughts and experiences of both designing and delivering coach education programmes for British Orienteering. A huge thank you to all members who engaged in the review , your thoughts are highly valued and very much appreciated.

All of recommendations from the Coaching review have been approved by the British Orienteering Board, The Coaching Advisory Group is now working on a plan of development and implementation.

The Coaching Review Report is available via this link.

Recommendations from the Coaching Review

Withdraw the current Level 2 from 1st for Sport and develop our own Level 2 award.

This is a priority, however there is a formal process to follow which covers withdrawing the Level 2 from 1st for Sport. The process is very straight forward and can be done straight away, however we cannot simply withdraw without a replacement award, the Coaching Advisory Group has commissioned a Working Group of Hilary Palmer, Pat Mee and Howard Blackman to develop our own Level 2, with a working title of Orienteering Coach that supports the needs of our sport, while maintaining its integrity, robustness, rigour and quality. The first pilot course began in January 2024 and a second pilot course will begin in March 2024.

We have asked Tutors to not run any new Level 2 (1st for Sport) coaching course until we launch our own version which will likely be in the early summer of 2024. The process for us withdrawing as a 1st for Sport ‘Centre’ cannot happen overnight as there are currently a number of members yet to complete their Level 2. We appreciate that some members may be very close to completing all their tasks and others not so.

We will do our best to keep members updated with progress of the development of the Orienteering Coach award.

Reintroduce a Level 1 and a Level 3 coaching award.

The development of these 2 Coaching awards will begin once we have launched the Orienteering Coach award . At this stage we plan to develop the Level 1, working title Orienteering Instructor, during 2024 and then the Level 3,working title Orienteering Performance Coach, in 2025.

Develop a robust system of CPD for our Coaching workforce.

As the Coaching Review Report clearly points out ,there is current a lack of CPD opportunities for Coaches. The report set out an aspirational CPD system of embracing and recognising webinars, regional workshops and National Conferences, gaining ‘CPD points’ in the process. At this stage this is very aspirational as the database and booking systems would need to be developed to ensure that coaches are duly recognised with CPD points. We have not begun any work in this area and further discussion with the Coaching Community will be required to ensure we develop a system that supports Coaches rather than becoming a burden.

Develop a fair, transparent and robust Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

The Report sets out a balanced argument around ‘fast tracking’ within a Coaching system. Whilst we all recognise that there may be members of squads with outstanding technical skills and knowledge who wish to transition into a Coaching role. A fair, transparent and robust RPL process would also need to ensure the ability to coach and not simply demonstrate the skill.

Work has yet to begin in this area and will not take place until , the Instructor, Coach and Performance Coach awards have been launched.

Further discussion with the Coaching Community will be required to ensure we develop a solution that supports aspirant Coaches rather than becoming a burden.

Proposed Pathway

British Orienteering Coach Education - Proposed Pathway 2023-2026 (updated October 2023)

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How to get involved in Coaching

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Teach Orienteering 

In order to deliver a high-quality orienteering programme within your school, British Orienteering recommends that teachers obtain training on how to deliver orienteering in a progressive way that meets the requirements of the appropriate National Curriculum. You can learn all about our teaching courses here. 

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Coaching Conferences

Find out all the latest information about the forthcoming conference and look back at resources from previous years.

Coaching conferences provide an opportunity to learn and share best practice to support orienteers across the country.

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Current Training Courses

Many courses provided by British Orienteering are run on a needs basis. Find out when the next training course are taking place. 

We operate a programme of education, including formal qualifications. Our courses are also recognised nationally and internationally and will enhance your CV.

British Orienteering together with the Home Nation Associations offer bespoke workshops on safety in remote terrain, skill/technique development and advanced planning, methodology, sports science knowledge and physical preparation as a range of continuous personal development (CPD) opportunities.

Young Leader Award

This award is designed for 14-19-year-olds and will enable them to introduce the basic skills of the sport, provide fun activities on a safe enclosed site and assist as volunteers at school or local events.

Aimed at teachers, youth sector workers and people working in schools and outdoor centres. The training delivers the knowledge, understanding and practical ability to teach the basic skills of orienteering. Anyone aged 16 or older can attend the course.

Aimed at teachers, youth sector workers and people working in schools and outdoor centres. The training delivers the knowledge, understanding and practical ability to teach some of the advanced skills of orienteering. Anyone aged 16 or older may attend the course.  People wishing to deliver GCSE syllabuses for students should attend Teaching Orienteering Part 2.

2 x half-day workshops for orienteering club members who are interested in starting to help with club coaching. The workshops are delivered by an active coach and give a practical introduction to key coaching skills so that newcomers get an effective and enjoyable introduction to the sport.
Orienteering Coach Qualification

The purpose of the Qualification is to develop orienteers through linked and progressive high-quality coaching sessions. Aimed at British Orienteering members delivering coaching at all levels of orienteering from beginners through to club members who compete at Technical Difficulty Level 5, as defined by the British Orienteering Step System. 

Further details of each award can be found by clicking on the above links.

In support of the cost of coaching qualifications UK Coaching has developed the Sources of Funding for Coaches to provide details about funding available to support coaches and coaching across the UK. In addition, the Funding Advice for Coaches includes top tips for supporting & securing funding. The guide covers the UK , regional and local funding opportunities for both new and experienced coaches looking to progress.