British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Mark White

BOF number 475331 | Club SARUM | Association SWOA | Current Points 5573 | Current Ranking 2294th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
19/01/25 SCOL7 Bentley and Fritham Blue 01:03:39 18th 1121 Racing Chl: Gold
03/11/24 November Classic (UKOL) UKOL 4 (M16, M55, M60, W18, W40, W45) 01:20:38 81st 1092
20/10/24 CompassSport Cup Final 6 00:53:17 20th 1140
05/05/24 Sarum Saunter Blue 01:17:03 14th 1114 Racing Chl: Gold
18/02/24 CompassSport Cup Heat 6 00:59:20 12th 1106
12/11/23 CompassSport Cup Final 4. Blue - men 02:01:55 81st 1023
23/04/23 Amesbury Urban event 3 - Blue 00:49:10 13th 1088
22/01/23 Compass-Sport Cup Heat 6: GREEN MEN 00:49:34 15th 1099
13/03/22 CompassSport Cup Heat 6 Green Men 00:44:51 9th 1133
07/11/21 November Classic (UKOL) UKOL Blue (M16, M55, M60, W35, W40) 01:23:27 79th 1068
06/11/21 Salisbury City Race (UKOL) UKOL Course 3 (M55, M60, W40, W45, W50) 00:50:15 30th 1104
15/03/20 CompassSport Cup Heat GreenM 01:00:00 37th 1025
03/11/19 November Classic (UKOL) UKOL Blue (M55, M60, W35, W40) 01:41:46 102nd 1035
20/10/19 CompassSport Cup Final Course 6 00:52:19 21st 1127
25/05/19 Wessex Region Summer Series and League 60 Minute Score 00:57:11 17th
21/04/19 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Individual 2 (UKOL) UKOL 13 (M60) 01:32:55 54th 1102
20/04/19 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 9 (M60, W35, W40) 00:54:47 86th 1111
17/03/19 CompassSport Cup Heat Green Men 00:43:47 8th 1109
10/03/19 Sarum Saunter Course 6 00:43:00 4th 1078
04/11/18 November Classic Blue 01:09:54 75th 1098 Racing Chl: Gold
03/11/18 Winchester City Urban 3 MSV WV 00:48:37 29th 1139
28/10/18 Sarum Galoppen Blue 01:23:09 65th 1021 Racing Chl: Silver
23/09/18 Caddihoe Day 2 Course 4 01:23:05 29th 1103
15/09/18 SLOW City of London Race 5 00:52:47
13/05/18 Warminster Urban MUV 00:43:08 5th 1057
01/04/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (UKOL) UKOL 12 (M60) 01:32:46
31/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 9 (M60, W35, W40) 00:58:05 109th 1087
18/02/18 WIM Galoppen Blue 01:05:07 23rd 1120 Racing Chl: Gold
21/01/18 OK Nuts Trophy Blood Races Very Nearly An Armful 01:17:45 22nd 1105
07/01/18 SCOL6 - Fritham and Bentley BLUE 00:49:26 29th 1138 Racing Chl: Gold
10/12/17 SCOL5 - Islands Thorns Blue 01:09:26 30th 1084 Racing Chl: Gold
05/11/17 November Classic and Southern Championships (UKOL) UKOL 8 (M70, W16, W18, W20, W55) 01:13:31 41st 1076
04/11/17 Southampton City Race (UKOL) UKOL 3 MSV WV (M55, M60, W40, W45, W50) 00:47:47 86th 997
22/10/17 CompassSport Cup Final 4 01:32:32 60th 1109
21/05/17 UK Urban Event & 2017 Welsh League Event M S Vet, W Vet 00:43:08 20th 1113
20/05/17 Welsh League Event 2017 Blue 01:04:28 21st 1163 Racing Chl: Gold
29/04/17 Ancient Wiltshire Weekend - Amesbury Urban race Men Super Vets / Women Vets 00:49:56 30th 1083
12/03/17 CompassSport Cup Heat 4 Blue Men 01:12:24 5th 1185
05/03/17 Sarum Saunter Course 4 00:49:27 11th 1172
04/12/16 HOC Event - WMOA League & Champs 12 Blue 01:23:34 25th 1114 Racing Chl: Gold
06/11/16 SOC November Classic & Southern Championships 4 01:14:16 34th 1159
05/11/16 Salisbury City Urban Course 3 00:53:02 20th 1150
16/10/16 CompassSport Cup Final Blue Men 01:19:13 65th 1142
18/09/16 WIM Galoppen Blue 01:31:41 40th 1095 Navigation Chl
17/04/16 Warminster Urban Race Course 3 00:47:30 15th 1096
27/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (WRE & UKOL) UKOL 13 (M55) 01:39:28 50th 1157
26/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 13 (M55) 01:27:11 39th 1157
13/03/16 Compass Sport Cup and Trophy Heat Blue Men 00:54:41 22nd 1182
06/12/15 SOC Level C & SCOA League Blue 01:04:14 35th 1118 Racing Chl: Gold
01/11/15 SOC November Classic Blue 01:16:19 89th 1053 Racing Chl: Gold