British Orienteering

GBR Programme

The overall aim of the Performance programme is to maximise GBR success at the World and European Orienteering Championships (WOC and EOC). Here, you will find more details about the programme's levels, our team of coaches and further aims of the programme. 

GBR Programme Levels

Level 5 – Performance Squad

Our Level 5 athletes are members of the Senior GBR Squad. 

Core aims of the Squad

To win medals and achieve top-10 places at the World & European Orienteering Championships. The team should also develop their competitive performance with international experience at World Cup races. 

Members of the Performance Squad at a training camp in early 2024

Level 4 – Development Squad

Development Squad athletes are aged 19 and upwards. 

Core aims of the Squad

Develop from Junior World Orienteering Championships standard to become regular members of senior World Cup teams. Develop their competitive performance through a supported British Orienteering programme of training. 

Development Squad athletes at last year's JWOC 2023

Level 3 – Talent Squads

There are three Talent Squads within the programme: Talent Scotland, Talent North and Talent South. Athletes in our Talent Squads are 15-18 year old junior athletes.

Core aims of the Squad

Develop junior athletes with a programme of training, education and coaching which takes a holistic view of their development as athletes, orienteers and individuals. Encourage the athletes to take responsibility for their own plans to improve their orienteering. Squads act as a source of motivation and enjoyment for athletes.

Talent Squad Members at a training camp at Gower in 2024

Level 2 – Regional Junior Squads

Our Regional Junior Squads are made up of 13-18 year old junior athletes.

About the squads

Junior Regional Orienteering Squads (JROS) is the umbrella organisation for the 12 Regional Orienteering squads based on the British Orienteering regions. JROS was set up to further develop the junior orienteering talent which is nurtured by the Regional Squads. Their website is here

Athletes compete in Junior Inter-Regional Championships and Junior Home Internationals. 

Junior Ward Home Internationals 2023

Level 1 – Clubs

All ages 

Core aims

Club coaches nurture athletes, encouraging and supporting them to progress in the development of their technical skills and physical abilities.

Orienteering Image

Aim of the British Orienteering Performance Programme

The overall aim of the Performance programme is to maximise GBR success at the World and European Orienteering Championships (WOC and EOC). WOC and EOC are our two “focus" competitions. The targets for these competitions are to win medals and achieve top-10 places.

The only other international competition with a performance target is the Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC), although this is secondary to WOC and EOC. The JWOC target, set out in our selection documents, is an aspiration; the real measure of our junior programme is how many athletes transition to the senior elite ranks.

For all other competitions, athletes are entered primarily for development and competition experience. There are no set performance targets.

The underpinning aims of the Performance programme, which contribute to our overall aim, are:

  • Attitude:
    • A professional programme of coaching, training and race preparation
    • Athletes see themselves as ‘performance athletes’, committed to their improvement and working towards performance goals
  • Progression:
    • Junior athletes are prepared and supported to make the transition to senior competitions and squads
    • Senior athletes continue to their build skills, fitness and experience to improve their competitive performance
  • Welfare:  Athletes, coaches, volunteers, British Orienteering, universities
    • are engaged and enjoy their involvement with the programme
    • feel valued and in control of their involvement and contributions
    • understand what they need to do to get selected, and how the Performance Programme works

Support Team

  • Pippa Archer – Performance Pathway Manager. Overall responsibility for the Performance programme
  • Tom Bray – Development Squad Coach 
  • Emil Wingstedt (Consultant) – Performance squad coach
  • Andy Kitchin (Volunteer) – Performance squad coordinator
  • Rachael Handley –Performance Programme Administrator
  • Talent Squad coaches (volunteers):
    • Mark Saunders & Alice Bedwell (Talent South)
    • Pete Tryner & Simon Hunter (Talent North) 
    • Judy Bell & Jon Musgrave (Talent Scotland)
  • JROS team
  • Many other fantastic volunteers