British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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NNC Forres Golf Course Event, 25/01/2023

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Long (length: 4.65km, climb: 65m, 26 controls)

Other courses: Novice | Short

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Angus LairdM200600:25:30
2Michael BishendenMORM200600:26:58
3Johannes PetersenM198300:29:35
4Rory BlackINVOCM200700:30:20
5Finlay McLuckieMORM200800:30:28
6J LairdM196800:33:48
7William NicolsonINVOCM197400:35:35
8Gemma KaratayBASOCF198200:36:32
9Kate McLuckieMORF200700:38:21
10Eddie HarwoodMORM195200:39:47
11Steven ScottBOFM197300:40:04
12Paul CouttsMORM196800:40:13
13Jon ShepherdINVOCM196600:42:14
14Charlotte BurtonINVOCF200800:44:33
15Callum HudsonINVOCM200400:45:49
16Peter McLuckieMORM197000:46:43
17Blair HudsonINVOCM200800:49:05
18Scarlett BritainMORF200700:55:09
19Kaisa OikkonenMORF198300:55:46
20Laura HollandBASOCF197001:08:03
21Tara BlackINVOCF197101:22:07
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21