British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Paul Hill

BOF number 113015 | Club WRE | Association WMOA | Current Points - | Current Ranking -
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
23/10/11 Walton Chasers Regional Event & WMOA League 6 Brown 01:13:57 15th 1096
09/10/11 POTOC Colour Coded Event and WMOA League 5 Blue 01:07:54 13th 1091
30/05/11 Springtime-in-Shropshire Weekend Short Brown 2 00:52:09 20th 1178
29/05/11 Springtime-in-Shropshire Weekend Short Brown 2 01:39:48 42nd 1115
29/05/11 SINS Urban Event Ludlow Course B 00:45:39 33rd 1124
28/05/11 Springtime-in-Shropshire Weekend Short Brown 2 01:34:50 46th 1080
27/03/11 The 1st CHASE ACE Event, Regional & WMOA League 2 Brown 01:30:46 24th 1057
04/04/10 Day 3 (Individual) Course No 7 (M40L) 02:20:37 47th 1049
03/04/10 Day 2 (Individual) Course No 5 (M40L) 02:05:55 48th 1052
25/05/09 SINS Day 3 M40L 01:35:01 15th 1103
24/05/09 SINS Day 2 M40L 01:29:11 15th 1114
23/05/09 SINS Day 1 M40L 01:16:19 19th 1123