British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Steven Smithard

BOF number 126147 | Club SO | Association SEOA | Current Points 6809 | Current Ranking 1054th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
09/02/25 MV SE League event Blue 01:10:17
02/02/25 GO SE League and SE Long Champs Sh Brown 01:24:53
19/01/25 DFOK SE League event Short Brown 01:24:08 8th 1155 Racing Chl: Gold
04/01/25 SO SOG A7 - Washington Common, Washington, West Sussex (adjacent A24) Blue 00:53:12
01/12/24 SN Trophy, SE League & SE Long Champs Short Brown 01:41:51 30th 1139 Racing Chl: Gold
24/11/24 SAX SE League event Blue 01:09:25 12th 1107 Racing Chl: Gold
16/11/24 SO SOG A4 - Slindon Wood, Slindon Blue 00:59:34 15th Racing Chl: Gold
10/11/24 SLOW SEL and National Event Short Brown 01:31:13 25th 1133 Racing Chl: Gold
03/11/24 Stirling City Race - Dunblane East (UK Urban League) (SOUL 9) Course 4 00:29:53 5th 1124
26/10/24 SCOL3 and BKO Autumn Regional event Blue 01:09:46 11th 1151 Racing Chl: Gold
19/10/24 SO SOG A2 - Abbots Wood, Polegate Blue 01:24:27 16th Racing Chl: Bronze
13/10/24 SO Regional Event - Eartham Wood south & Nore Hill, Slindon, near Arundel Blue 01:22:35
05/10/24 SO SOG A1 - Newtimber Hill, Pyecombe Blue 00:52:04 19th Racing Chl: Gold
28/09/24 SO ParkO8 - Hove Park, Hove Sprint 00:21:07 8th
19/05/24 SAX Regional event Blue 01:26:47 19th 1085 Racing Chl: Silver
12/05/24 SO Sunny Sussex Weekend - 3/3 - Houghton Forest, Arundel. National event / SE League event Short Brown 01:49:31 30th 1077 Racing Chl: Silver
04/05/24 SO - SOG S8 - Oldhouse Warren, Crawley Blue 00:59:44
20/04/24 SO - SOG S7 - Friston Forest (west) BRAND NEW MAP!! Blue 00:46:14 16th Racing Chl: Gold
23/03/24 SO - SOG S5 - Great Walstead School Blue 01:03:10 27th Racing Chl: Gold
03/03/24 SAX National event Short Blue 00:53:54 10th 1046 Racing Chl: Gold
04/02/24 GO SEL event & Southern Champs (UKOL) UKOL 7 (M16, W50) 78:41:00 26th 1035