British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Sheila Gold

BOF number 129926 | Club WSX | Association SWOA | Current Points 4868 | Current Ranking 2742nd
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
30/12/24 SCOL6 and SN Regional event Green 01:32:03 78th 787 Racing Chl: Bronze
15/12/24 WIM South West League Short Green 01:30:14 20th 715 Navigation Chl
25/11/24 Wessex Night League Score 30 Controls 00:58:40 19th
11/11/24 Wessex Night League -Tisbury Score 00:52:16 11th
10/11/24 Wessex South West League Short Green 01:47:48 23rd 696 Navigation Chl
02/11/24 Salisbury City Race 2024 (UKOL) UKOL 5 (M75, M80, M85, W65, W70, W75, W80, W85) 00:50:37 44th 852
14/09/24 City of London Race 8 01:14:34 53rd 858
13/09/24 London EuroCity weekend Race 1 Course 5 00:28:24 8th 851
02/06/24 BADO Urban Event 5 WUV WHV MHV 00:55:08 21st 805
22/02/24 BADO Basingstoke Wessex Night League 00:57:47
03/02/24 Sarum Wessex Night League Score 01:00:35 33rd
20/01/24 Rhinefield Local Short Green 01:48:49 21st Navigation Chl
17/12/23 Sarum Winter Urban event 00:45:56 9th
03/12/23 WIM South West League Short Green 01:10:58 15th 730 Navigation Chl
04/11/23 Urban (UKOL) - November Classic Weekend UKOL 5 MHV WS/HV (M75, M80, M85, W65, W70, W75, W80, W85) 00:45:50 29th 873
22/10/23 Purbeck Weekend - SWOA League Event Short Green 01:47:08 48th 706 Navigation Chl
16/09/23 City of London Race (UKOL) UKOL 8 (W65, W70) 01:11:22 72nd 835
23/04/23 Amesbury Urban event 4 - Green 00:49:23 32nd 874
01/12/22 Wessex Night League 60min Score 01:01:28 30th
24/11/22 Buckskin & South Ham Wessex Night League Score 00:58:13 13th
14/11/22 Wessex Night O Score 00:58:32 45th
05/11/22 Christchurch Urban Course 5 00:42:42 21st 794
16/10/22 TVOC 2022 Chiltern Challenge Green 01:43:30
02/10/22 Purbeck Weekend Urban Event Course 2 01:09:33 60th 896
03/09/22 City of London Race Course 7 00:54:50 48th 758
29/05/22 BOK Regional Urban Event & SEOUL urban league Course 5 00:42:11 13th 847
09/04/22 Poundbury (Dorchester) UKUL & SEOUL Urban event 4 00:41:35 12th 828
12/02/22 QO Bridgwater Urban Medium 00:55:36 24th
03/02/22 BADO Wessex Night League Event Score 00:58:36
23/01/22 SWOL & SCOA Leagues - Ocknell, New Forest Green 01:23:50 83rd 707 Racing Chl: Bronze
13/01/22 WNL Farley Mount 500 Points 01:02:26 24th
08/01/22 SOC Saturday 4 Green 01:14:50 37th Racing Chl: Bronze
05/12/21 SW Orienteering League Event Green 01:31:48 52nd 668 Navigation Chl
22/11/21 BADO Wessex Night League Event Score 00:59:16 27th
07/11/21 November Classic (UKOL) UKOL Short Green (M75, M80, M85, M90, W65, W70) 01:41:03 85th 565
06/11/21 Salisbury City Race (UKOL) UKOL Course 4 (M65, M70, W55, W60) 01:01:56 70th 830
24/10/21 GO Urban Event Course 4 01:00:55 49th 796
19/09/21 Caddihoe Day 2 (UKOL) and SWOA Long Distance Championships UKOL Very Short Green (W75, W80, W85) 01:08:24 17th 789
27/06/21 Golden Cap and Stonebarrow Green 01:13:10 21st 875 Racing Chl: Bronze
11/10/20 Return to the Forest Green 02:17:04 55th 587 Navigation Chl
21/12/19 SO Brighton City Race (including SEOUL and Wessex Night League) Course 4 00:53:42 17th 954
21/09/19 City of London Race 8 01:19:18 37th 592
22/06/19 WIM SEOUL Urban Event - Ringwood Course 4 00:41:03
08/06/19 Poole Out of Town Race Course 5 71:17:00 13th 611
17/03/19 CompassSport Cup Heat Sh Green Veterans 01:19:39 41st 652
07/01/19 Wessex Night League SCORE 00:58:54 40th
22/12/18 SO Brighton City Race Course4 00:59:03 29th 784
30/09/18 Dorset Delight Green 01:43:43 32nd 707 Navigation Chl
15/09/18 SLOW City of London Race 6 01:14:49 90th 597
03/06/18 Poole Out of Town Race Course 4 01:20:10 30th 796