British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Linda Whitehead

BOF number 130041 | Club EBOR | Association YHOA | Current Points - | Current Ranking -
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
01/12/24 AIRE Regional Event Very Short Green 01:02:59 8th Navigation Chl
02/06/24 CLARO Regional Event and Yvette Baker Trophy Heat Yellow 00:18:47 8th Racing Chl: Silver
05/05/24 Regional Long Distance White 00:37:36 2nd Racing Chl: Bronze
10/12/23 AIRE Regional Event Yellow 00:33:44 3rd Racing Chl: Bronze
20/11/22 Ellington Banks Short Green 02:27:58 27th 513 Navigation Chl
30/10/22 YHOA SuperLeague and YHOA Championships SHORT GREEN 01:36:23 41st 645 Navigation Chl
04/09/22 50 years of SYO Event, YHOA Middle Championships & YHOA SuperLeague Very Short Green 01:42:08 9th 642 Navigation Chl
19/03/22 YHOA Urban League Short Green 00:55:43 24th 654 Racing Chl: Bronze
06/03/22 British Middle Championships (UKOL) UKOL Course 10 (W70, W75, W80, W85) 01:12:38 39th 561
13/02/22 YHOA SuperLeague Middle Distance Event Very Short Green 00:58:44
09/01/22 Regional Event Short Green 01:29:59 24th 623 Navigation Chl
19/12/21 Regional Event SHORT GREEN 00:56:17 15th 738 Racing Chl: Bronze
14/11/21 Regional Event Short Green 01:06:20
10/10/21 YHOA Middle Championships and YHOA SuperLeague Very Short Green 00:57:05 14th 720 Navigation Chl
29/08/21 White Rose Urban -York City Race E 00:56:33 54th 592
27/09/20 Regional Event Short Green 01:25:34 24th 485 Navigation Chl
05/01/20 Regional Event Light Green 00:50:23 11th Navigation Chl
15/12/19 Regional Event LIGHT GREEN
24/11/19 Brimham Rocks - YHOA Middle Distance Championships and Superleague Very Short Green 00:58:35 5th Navigation Chl
07/09/19 Fat Rascal Weekend Sprint Event/YHOA Urban League 5 00:20:52 21st 683
31/07/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - UKUL Sprint incorporating bto SOUL8 Course 5 00:25:03 51st 730
30/06/19 EBOR Regional Event (incorporating EBOR Club Championships) LIGHT GREEN 2 01:12:41 22nd 663 Racing Chl: Bronze
23/06/19 Regional event Light Green 02:06:39 5th Navigation Chl
12/05/19 Regional Event and YHOA School Championships Very Short Green 01:25:53 7th Navigation Chl
03/03/19 Aire 50th Anniversary Event Very Short Green 01:21:43 6th Navigation Chl
10/02/19 Regional Event Short Green 00:57:11 14th 714 Navigation Chl
18/02/18 YHOA Superleague Middle Distance Very Short G 01:41:09 7th
11/02/18 LOC Cumbrian Galoppen Short Green 02:34:26 22nd 478 Navigation Chl
04/02/18 YHOA Superleague Middle Distance SHORT GREEN 01:26:16 24th 648 Navigation Chl
28/01/18 Alistair Tinto Memorial Event, YHOA Middle Distance Championships & Superleague Short Green 01:22:13 40th 597 Navigation Chl
14/01/18 SYO Regional Event - Rivelin Short Green 02:19:45 34th 394 Navigation Chl
07/01/18 Regional Event Light Green 01:02:22 13th Navigation Chl
30/12/17 Regional Event Very Short Green 00:44:56 6th Racing Chl: Bronze
10/12/17 Regional Event Light Green 01:06:44 3rd Racing Chl: Bronze
03/12/17 Regional Event SHORT GREEN 01:18:12 13th Navigation Chl
26/11/17 SYO Regional Event - Ecclesall Woods Very Short Green 01:05:28 5th Navigation Chl
11/11/17 YHOA Night League Short 00:48:21 7th
28/10/17 YHOA Superleague - Londesborogh (Middle Distance) Short Green 01:07:25 14th 740 Navigation Chl
15/10/17 EBOR Level C Regional Event and YHOA Urban League D 00:51:59 20th 688
01/10/17 British Middle Distance Championships (UKOL) UKOL Course 9 (M75, M80, M85, W55, W60, W65) 01:27:22 110th 627
30/09/17 British Sprint Championships (UKOL) UKOL F18 (M80, M85, W70, W75) 01:21:07 31st
30/09/17 British Sprint Championships - Heats H7.2 00:19:04 32nd 722
30/09/17 British Sprint Championships - Finals F18 00:21:07 26th 809
03/09/17 YHOA Urban League Short Green 01:22:54 37th 653 Navigation Chl
26/08/17 White Rose Weekend Sprint Course D 00:16:29 21st 751
02/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Sprint Scotland - bto Urban League - SOUL 6 5 00:23:35 37th 717
09/07/17 Fat Rascal Weekend (UKOL) UKOL Short Green (M75, M80, M85, M90, W65, W70, W75, W80, W85, W90) 00:58:11 25th 639
08/07/17 Fat Rascal Weekend (UKOL) UKOL Course 5 (M75, M80, M85, M90, W65, W70, W75, W80, W85, W90) 00:41:32 13th 656
08/07/17 Fat Rascal Sprint Prologue Event Course 5 00:18:53 15th 669
11/06/17 YHOA Urban League SHORT GREEN 01:00:55 8th Racing Chl: Bronze