British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Andrew Chalmers

BOF number 144471 | Club TVOC | Association SCOA | Current Points 1532 | Current Ranking 4160th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
06/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 4 M70L 01:12:06 32nd 952
03/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 2 M70L 01:10:49 45th 940
02/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 1 M70L 01:26:18 48th 875
31/05/09 TVOC Chiltern Challenge Regional Event Green 00:52:12 6th 1060
25/05/09 SINS Day 3 M70L 01:01:51 12th 971
24/05/09 SINS Day 2 M70L 00:57:07 13th 998
23/05/09 SINS Day 1 M70L 00:52:22 38th 947
03/05/09 The Mike Nelson BOKTrot National event inc BEOC (Long) & FCC Final (Long) M70L 00:59:23 66th 1021
02/05/09 Regional Event & FCC Cup Final (Middle) and ASOA Championships Green 01:03:50 42nd 1034