British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Martin Bagness

BOF number 192831 | Club WAROC | Association NWOA | Current Points 2318 | Current Ranking 3726th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
20/05/12 Twin Peak Day 2 Black 00:45:28
05/05/12 British Orienteering Championships Badge 14 (W60S, W55S, M70S, W65S) 01:03:51 2nd 1294
08/04/12 JK Weekend - Day 3 Badge 14 (W60S, W55S, M70S, W65S) 00:50:47 1st 1307
07/04/12 JK Weekend - Day 2 Badge 14 (W60S, W55S, M70S, W65S) 00:58:01 1st 1291
01/04/12 LOC Cumbrian Galoppen Brown 00:43:36
04/03/12 NWOL Event Short Brown 00:42:33 2nd 1349 Racing Chl: Gold
05/08/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 Day 5 Course 42 00:57:51 3rd 1287
04/08/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 - Day 4 Course 42 01:00:40 2nd 1294
01/08/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 - Day 2 Course 42 00:44:51 1st 1295
31/07/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 - Day 1 Course 42 00:47:08 2nd 1315
28/05/11 Scottish Individual Championships Course 08 01:12:15 1st 1305
14/05/11 Individual Course 14 01:02:23 2nd 1297
20/03/11 WCOC Regional Event Short Brown 51:56:00 1st 1290
20/02/11 LOC Cumbrian Galoppen - Black Beck brown 00:57:42
13/02/11 SROC Regional Event & NWOL Short Brown 57:10:00 1st 1328
15/01/11 SROC Northern Night Championships Blue 00:48:40 1st
10/10/10 SELOC Regional Event and Yvette BakerT Round 1 Short Brown 00:55:00 1st 1299
12/09/10 MEROC Regional Event Brown 01:04:09 6th 1279
17/04/10 British Elite Middle & Age Class Championships Badge 4 (M35L, M40L, M20E, M18E) 00:32:03 1st 1319
07/03/10 ELO SoSOL Brown 00:36:44
06/03/10 British Night Championships Badge 5 (W21L, M21S) 00:52:47 2nd
07/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 5 M45L 00:51:20 8th 1307
06/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 4 M45L 00:57:46 3rd 1322
04/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 3 M45L 00:50:27 2nd 1342
03/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 2 M45L 00:16:27
02/08/09 Scottish 6 Days - Day 1 M45L 00:45:52 1st 1324
11/04/09 JK Day 2 Middle /Long Course 13 (M45L) 00:55:05 2nd 1332