British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Elena Kippin

BOF number 194266 | Club TVOC | Association SCOA | Current Points 3037 | Current Ranking 3421st
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
15/12/24 Mole Festive Event Light Green 00:41:29 2nd Racing Chl: Bronze
14/09/24 City of London Race 8 00:58:06 24th 973
13/04/24 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL) UKOL 11 (M65, W55) 00:59:12
31/03/24 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Long (UKOL) UKOL 13 (W55) 01:31:44 85th 992
30/03/24 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Middle (UKOL) UKOL 13 (M70) 00:49:13 39th 1072
28/01/24 Concorde Chase Forest event 2024 L. Green 00:45:58 6th
19/11/23 SCOL2 Black Park SCOA league event note date change Light Green 00:54:14 4th Racing Chl: Silver
18/11/23 TVOC Saturday Series Orange 00:43:41 1st Racing Chl: Bronze
21/10/23 TVOC Saturday Series Orange 00:37:47
20/02/22 National Event (UKOL) and YHOA SuperLeague UKOL Short Blue (M65, W18, W20, W45, W50) 00:51:08
05/06/21 British Orienteering Middle Championships (UKOL) UKOL 12 (W16, W18, W20) 01:08:00
09/05/21 SLOW OK Nuts Winterfold Light Green 00:43:54 6th Racing Chl: Silver
25/10/20 Regional event, National Trust Stowe Green 00:51:10 51st 846 Racing Chl: Gold
01/03/20 HH Ace of Herts SE League Event & Interland Green 00:58:29
19/01/20 NGOC 50th Anniversary (inc. SW League Event) LGreen 00:56:31 6th
27/10/19 TVOC Waddesdon Manor Light Green 00:41:17 9th Racing Chl: Gold
12/10/19 SCOL2 and SOC regional event Light Green 00:58:50 3rd Racing Chl: Bronze
02/08/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 5 C22 01:02:18
30/07/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 3 C22 00:56:38 21st 882
28/07/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 1 (UKOL) C22 01:02:24
27/01/19 BOK Regional Event Light Green 00:42:04
09/09/18 TVOC Thame Urban Event Course 6 00:27:28 4th
02/09/18 British Middle Championships (UKOL) UKOL Course12 (W16, W18, W20) 00:51:21 39th 899
01/09/18 British Sprint Championships Heats H-2B 00:26:02 54th 892
01/09/18 British Sprint Championships Finals F-4 00:25:56 63rd 944
01/09/18 British Sprint Championships (UKOL) UKOL (M45, M50, W21, W20, W18, W16, W35) 01:25:56 130th
25/08/18 TVOC Saturday Series Wycombe Abbey Light Green 00:43:10
19/05/18 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL) UKOL 20 (W16) 01:13:43
15/04/18 LOC April Weekend National Level Long Distance Green 01:28:27
14/04/18 LOC April Weekend National Level Middle Distance Green Women 00:57:06 68th 935
08/04/18 LOK Hampstead Heath Colour Coded Green 01:11:45 42nd 847 Racing Chl: Bronze
01/04/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (UKOL) 25 00:54:20 54th 983
31/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 4 (W16, W18, W20) 01:01:31 104th 859
30/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 8 (W16) 00:25:08 72nd 862
07/01/18 SCOL6 - Fritham and Bentley GREEN 00:54:20 56th 926 Racing Chl: Silver
17/12/17 Regional Event Green 01:08:22 54th Racing Chl: Silver
03/12/17 SCOL4 TVOC Level C & Regional Event Green 01:06:37 56th Racing Chl: Silver
12/11/17 SCOL3 BKO Level C event (Bucklebury Common) Green 00:55:59 32nd Navigation Chl
05/11/17 November Classic and Southern Championships (UKOL) 15 01:39:42 11th
22/10/17 TVOC Waddesdon Manor (POSTPONED TO SUN 22ND) Light Green 00:50:47 10th Racing Chl: Silver
17/09/17 Dales Weekend Day 2 & YHOA Superleague Light Green 01:05:13 22nd Racing Chl: Bronze
16/09/17 Dales Weekend Day 1 Light Green 00:43:15 18th Racing Chl: Silver
28/08/17 TVOC Urban Event Course 6 00:49:44 8th
04/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 5 C14 00:57:36 45th
03/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 4 (UKOL) C14 00:50:40 46th
01/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 3 C14 01:16:23 32nd
31/07/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 2 (UKOL) C14 00:53:48 30th
30/07/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 1 C14 01:03:43
27/05/17 TVOC Saturday Series Cutteslowe ORANGE 00:29:04 5th Racing Chl: Gold
21/05/17 SCOL9: BKO Level C event Orange 00:33:58 7th Racing Chl: Gold