British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Tilly Woods

BOF number 195674 | Club TVOC | Association SCOA | Current Points 1122 | Current Ranking 4382nd
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
09/03/24 Midland Champs (UKOL) and BUCS individual UKOL Course 6A (W18, W20, W35) 01:26:35 39th 1122
17/02/24 Varsity March 2024 Women's A / Men's B 01:03:25 3rd
28/01/24 Concorde Chase Forest event 2024 Blue 01:36:46 76th 997 Racing Chl: Silver
22/07/23 NGOC League Blue 01:38:48 53rd 984 Racing Chl: Silver
10/06/23 TVOC Saturday Series Light Green 00:47:24 14th Racing Chl: Silver
29/05/23 Springtime in Shropshire Day 3 (UKOL) UKOL Brown (M45, M50, W18, W20, W21) 01:01:17 33rd 1133
28/05/23 Springtime in Shropshire Day 2 & Midlands Championships (UKOL) UKOL Short Brown (M18, M20, M45, M50, W21) 01:56:15 48th 1048
21/05/23 Bloom Wood Regional (SCOL8) + Yvette Baker Trophy & Shield qualifier Brown 01:54:31 33rd 1018 Racing Chl: Gold
06/05/23 TVOC Saturday Series Light Green 00:37:21 11th Racing Chl: Gold
25/03/23 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL) 5 01:53:14 12th 1102
18/03/23 Scottish Middle Distance Championships incorporating BUCS Individuals Course 12 01:29:45 41st 1040
13/11/22 SN Trophy and SEL Blue 02:07:32 104th 932 Racing Chl: Bronze
16/10/22 TVOC 2022 Chiltern Challenge Blue 01:50:30 52nd 975 Racing Chl: Bronze
24/04/22 TVOC Hodgemoor Wood Regional Event & SCOL6 Blue 01:22:04 45th 1066 Racing Chl: Gold
09/04/22 Varsity Match Course 2 02:40:39 21st
13/03/22 CompassSport Cup Heat 3 Blue Women 01:20:28 9th 1036
12/02/22 Oxford City Race 2 01:16:39 37th 1095
31/10/21 SCOL1: BADO SCOA League 2021-22 Blue 01:52:16 39th 935 Racing Chl: Bronze
23/05/21 TVOC Chiltern Challenge National Event Short Brown 01:45:17 82nd 1046 Racing Chl: Silver
18/04/21 TVOC Regional Event Brown 01:53:25 86th 938 Racing Chl: Bronze
23/02/20 TVOC Chiltern Challenge (UKOL) UKOL SHORT GREEN (M75, M80, M85, W65, W70) 01:02:01 44th 869