British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Michelle Barrows

BOF number 200665 | Club BOK | Association SWOA | Current Points 2979 | Current Ranking 3452nd
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
09/11/24 BOK Local event Green 02:02:35 27th Navigation Chl
15/07/24 WOC2024 Tour - Urban Historic Edinburgh UKUL C4 01:12:12 93rd 751
14/07/24 WOC2024 Tour - Middle Distance (SOUL 5) C4 00:57:01 88th 746
12/07/24 WOC2024 Tour - Urban sprint C4 00:46:48 69th 612
11/02/24 South West Orienteering League (and NGOC League) Green 01:21:05 44th 870 Racing Chl: Bronze
21/01/24 BOK Regional event & SW League Green 01:50:22 54th 752 Navigation Chl
04/08/23 S6D Moray 2023 Day 5 C19 00:55:20 71st 790
03/08/23 S6D Moray 2023 Day 4 (UKOL) C19 01:34:18 49th 849
01/08/23 S6D Moray 2023 Day 3 C19 01:26:45 64th 799
25/03/23 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL) UKOL 19 (W70) 01:50:11 36th 788
15/06/22 BOK Urban Orienteering Series 7 Medium 01:11:25 49th
08/05/22 BOK Regional event and Yvette Baker Trophy Heat Green 01:52:41 49th 735 Navigation Chl
13/03/22 BOK Local event Green 01:10:12 25th Racing Chl: Bronze
07/08/21 Scottish 6 Days - Day 6 C14 00:52:00 19th 812
03/08/21 Scottish 6 Days - Day 3 (UKOL) C14 01:22:22 19th 926
14/07/21 BOK Urban Orienteering Series 10 Medium 01:26:21 43rd
16/05/21 BOK Regional event, Mike Nelson BOK Trot & Yvette Baker Qualifier Green 01:24:16 53rd 804 Racing Chl: Bronze
12/05/21 BOK Urban Orienteering Series 3 Medium 00:46:01
13/09/20 BOK Re-start Local Event (Pre-entry only) Green 01:56:27
02/02/20 BOK Regional and SW League Event GREEN 01:21:51 54th 912 Racing Chl: Bronze
20/10/19 CompassSport Cup Final Course 5 01:26:54 79th 802
15/06/19 BOK Blast Day 1 (UKUL) p.m. race 3: MSV, WV 00:33:21 50th 716
15/06/19 BOK Blast Day 1 (UKUL) a.m. race 3: MSV, WV 00:37:26 56th 745
02/06/19 SWOA South-West Sprint Championships A3 00:23:18
12/05/19 BOK Regional Event (Galoppen) Green 01:13:38 31st 874 Navigation Chl
28/04/19 BOK Local Event and Avon Schools Champs Green 00:49:55 34th Racing Chl: Gold
21/04/19 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Individual 2 (UKOL) UKOL 14 (M16, W45) 02:41:24 105th 663
19/04/19 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 10 (W40, W45) 00:22:18 76th 816
17/03/19 Compass Sport Cup Heat 5 Green Women 00:59:39 24th 732
17/02/19 Devon League Event 4 Green 01:25:12 16th 837 Racing Chl: Bronze
27/01/19 BOK Regional Event Green 01:09:53 39th 928 Racing Chl: Bronze
02/08/18 Lakes 5 Day 4 11 00:50:51 66th 872
30/07/18 Lakes 5 Day 2 11 01:34:11 77th 772
22/04/18 BOK Regional Event (ASO) Green 01:09:30 27th 917 Racing Chl: Bronze
14/01/18 BOK Regional Event (ASO) Green 01:33:18 48th 866 Navigation Chl
11/06/17 BOK Blast - City of Bristol Races (UKUL & SEOUL) 3 Women 01:08:11 37th 838
16/04/17 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (UKOL) Long Distance UKOL 14(W45) 02:12:36 64th 843
15/04/17 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (UKOL) Middle Distance UKOL 10(M16, W45) 01:08:08 178th 910
19/03/17 (C) BOK Club and ASO League Green 00:50:28 25th 944 Racing Chl: Gold
05/02/17 BOK Club and ASO Orienteering G 01:10:03 42nd 879
22/01/17 NGOC Galoppen Green 01:20:47 50th 869 Racing Chl: Bronze
17/04/16 BOK & ASO Orienteering hosting Yvette Baker Qualifier Green 01:19:54 47th 715 Racing Chl: Bronze
13/03/16 CompassSport Cup Heat Green Women 01:25:13 16th 849
06/08/15 Scottish 6 Days - Day4 C21 01:44:14
03/08/15 Scottish 6 Days - Day2 (UKOL) C21 01:36:18 118th 793
25/01/15 BOK Club and ASO Event Light Green 00:24:54
18/01/15 NGOC Galoppen Light Green 00:57:18 11th Racing Chl: Bronze
23/11/14 BOK Galoppen & ASO League Yellow 00:54:35 18th Navigation Chl
18/05/14 BOK Local Event & ASO League WHITE 00:23:01 23rd Racing Chl: Silver
12/01/14 BOK Local Event & ASO League White 00:32:56 39th Navigation Chl