British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Maisy Yates

BOF number 201385 | Club | Association | Current Points - | Current Ranking -
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
25/08/19 Race the Castles in Yorkshire - White Rose and YHOA Superleague Light Green 00:49:37 12th Racing Chl: Bronze
24/08/19 Race the Castles in Yorkshire - White Rose Light Green 00:34:02 10th Racing Chl: Silver
22/09/18 NW Sprint Champs race 2 B6 00:19:15 22nd
22/09/18 NW Sprint champs race 1 A6 00:34:09 30th
03/08/18 Lakes 5 Day 5 Middle Distance Event (UKOL) 15 00:43:34 44th
02/08/18 Lakes 5 Day 4 15 00:24:25 9th
31/07/18 Lakes 5 Day 3 15 00:32:21 22nd
30/07/18 Lakes 5 Day 2 15 00:41:42 19th
29/07/18 Lakes 5 Day 1 (UKOL) 15 00:44:34 14th
28/05/18 York City Race YHOA Urban League D 00:26:19 12th
08/04/18 BL Cumbrian Galloppen Level C Orange 00:52:22 4th Racing Chl: Bronze
01/04/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (UKOL) 26 00:49:30 42nd
31/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) 20 00:22:47 15th
30/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 8 (W16) 00:25:05 71st
25/03/18 SROC Regional event Orange 00:33:43 1st Racing Chl: Gold
11/03/18 CompassSport Cup&Trophy Heat (+entries open to all) Orange 00:36:50 11th Racing Chl: Silver
10/09/17 BL Level B Event High Pike Orange 00:38:52 2nd Racing Chl: Bronze
03/09/17 Cumbrian Galoppen - Cockup Orange 00:25:44 6th Racing Chl: Gold
27/08/17 White Rose Weekend & YHOA Superleague O 00:42:14 10th
26/08/17 White Rose Weekend Middle Distance Event O 00:26:52 8th
05/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 6 C3 00:34:44 25th
04/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 5 C3 00:53:21 40th
03/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 4 (UKOL) C3 00:31:40 15th
01/08/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 3 C3 01:02:34 44th
31/07/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 2 (UKOL) C3 00:39:29 11th
30/07/17 Scottish 6 Days - Day 1 C3 00:33:52 31st
29/05/17 Springtime in Shropshire (SinS) 2017 Day 3 (UKOL) Long Distance Course 13 01:19:25 22nd
28/05/17 Springtime in Shropshire (SinS) 2017 Day 2 (UKOL) Long Distance Course 13 00:48:53 15th
27/05/17 Springtime in Shropshire (SinS) 2017 Day 1 Course 13 00:35:53 14th
05/03/17 Cumbrian Galoppen Faulds Brow Yellow 00:34:59 9th Racing Chl: Bronze
27/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (WRE & UKOL) 29 00:42:47 42nd
26/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) 29 00:37:31 51st
07/02/16 Penrith Beacon - Cumbrian Galoppen Yellow 00:29:46 5th Racing Chl: Gold