British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Gary Dearmer

BOF number 215923 | Club SOS | Association EAOA | Current Points 339 | Current Ranking 4964th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
26/01/25 HAVOC SWELL ORANGE 02:04:53
27/10/24 HAVOC East Anglian League and SWELL Orange 02:23:27 8th Navigation Chl
19/05/24 Chelmsford City Urban Course5 01:26:06 9th 339
28/01/24 SOS Highwoods Orange 01:13:55 6th Navigation Chl
05/11/23 SOS Baddow Ridge Orange 02:17:40
17/09/23 SOS Chalkney Orange 02:08:56 2nd Navigation Chl
02/07/23 SOS Writtle Forest - EA League Event Orange 01:28:10 8th Navigation Chl
19/03/23 SOS Danbury Common Orange 01:19:09 5th Navigation Chl
30/10/22 SOS Hylands Park Orange 00:58:07 10th Racing Chl: Bronze
19/09/21 SOS Baddow Ridge. Colour coded, EAL & SWELL Orange 01:17:24 11th Navigation Chl
13/06/21 SOS Great Notley Country Park and Village Orange 01:06:32 6th Navigation Chl
18/04/21 SOS Danbury Park Orange 01:22:41 14th Navigation Chl
02/02/20 SOS Writtle Forest EA League and ESSOL Orange 01:02:42 6th Navigation Chl
24/11/19 SOS Hylands Park Orange 01:18:33 11th Navigation Chl
22/09/19 SOS Colour Coded - Baddow Ridge Orange 01:27:39 13th Navigation Chl
16/06/19 SOS The Naze Orange 00:40:37 6th Racing Chl: Bronze
17/02/19 SOS Danbury Common Orange 01:17:55 11th Navigation Chl
09/12/18 The Broaks, SOS Colour coded and ESSOL Orange 01:40:49
14/10/18 Chalkney, SOS Colour coded and ESSOL Orange 01:09:20 5th Navigation Chl
17/06/18 Highwoods, SOS Colour coded and ESSOL Orange 00:56:41 8th Racing Chl: Bronze
13/05/18 Danbury Park YBT heat Orange 02:00:27 23rd Navigation Chl
25/03/18 EA Championship, SOS Colour coded, Writtle Orange 01:33:45
28/01/18 Baddow Ridge, SOS Colour coded and EAL Orange 01:29:18 15th Navigation Chl
26/11/17 Hylands Park, SOS Colour Coded & ESSOL Orange 00:54:08 15th Navigation Chl
09/10/16 SOS Colour Coded & ESSOL Orange 01:11:52 5th Navigation Chl
19/06/16 SOS Colour Coded & ESSOL Orange 01:18:41 19th Navigation Chl