British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Richard Catmur

BOF number 221480 | Club SLOW | Association SEOA | Current Points 3917 | Current Ranking 3110th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
22/09/24 Regional Urban (UKUL) D 01:04:18 12th 972
15/09/24 LOK Ultrasprint PrologueABC 00:38:54 120th 1002
14/09/24 City of London Race 7 01:06:20 88th 954
13/09/24 London EuroCity weekend Race 1 Course 4 00:30:54 20th 989
04/02/24 GO SEL event & Southern Champs (UKOL) UKOL 9 (M70, W16, W60) 61:55:00 12th 1064
29/12/23 SCOL4 and SN Regional event Short Green 00:43:46 2nd 1050 Racing Chl: Gold
29/05/23 Springtime in Shropshire Day 3 (UKOL) UKOL Green Men (M65, M70) 00:48:18 30th 1075
28/05/23 Springtime in Shropshire Day 2 & Midlands Championships (UKOL) UKOL Short Blue (M65, W18, W20, W45, W50) 01:30:30 64th 1038
27/05/23 Springtime in Shropshire Day 1 GREEN 00:48:23 32nd 1052 Racing Chl: Gold
29/04/23 DFOK Kent Orienteering League Green 00:59:23 4th Racing Chl: Silver
25/03/23 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL) UKOL 14 (M65) 01:19:39 29th 1127
12/03/23 SEOA CompassSport Cup Heat (SO) 6/8A Green Men 00:54:18 21st 1056
05/11/22 Christchurch Urban Course 4 00:40:20 41st 941
29/10/22 SO SOG A4 - Rivers Wood, Balcombe Green 00:47:47 9th Racing Chl: Silver