British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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John Elliott

BOF number 255451 | Club EPOC | Association YHOA | Current Points 839 | Current Ranking 4746th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
21/12/24 YHOA Night League MEDIUM TD4 01:39:05
23/11/24 YHOA Night League Medium 01:18:11 18th 839
24/02/24 YHOA Night League Medium 01:27:21
11/02/24 YHOA SuperLeague Green 01:31:37 19th 965 Navigation Chl
28/01/24 Robin Hood Trophy Green 01:08:11 64th 863 Racing Chl: Silver
13/01/24 SYO Regional Middle Distance Event (rescheduled from 26 Nov 2023) Green 01:26:09
06/01/24 YHOA Night League Medium 01:47:37
18/11/23 YHOA Night League MEDIUM 00:59:40 17th 895
04/02/23 YHOA Night League Bowden Housteads Medium 01:44:45 26th 837
21/01/23 YHOA Night League Medium 01:40:51 13th 831
07/01/23 YHOA Night League Medium 01:22:52 16th 915
17/12/22 YHOA Night League MEDIUM 00:43:32 6th 989
19/02/22 British Night Championships (UKOL) UKOL 6 (M70, W16, W55, W60) 02:03:42 36th 871
15/01/22 YHOA Night League Medium 01:34:50 14th 882
08/01/22 YHOA Night League Medium 00:41:43 14th 916
19/12/21 Regional Event GREEN 00:48:30 31st 871 Racing Chl: Silver
18/12/21 YHOA Night League MEDIUM 01:10:47 15th 871
04/12/21 YHOA Night League - Central Park and Kingsway, Scunthorpe Medium 01:00:40 12th 929
20/11/21 YHOA Night League Medium 00:46:33 8th
15/03/20 CompassSport Cup Heat 4 01:33:45 63rd 912
18/01/20 YHOA Night League Medium 01:28:13 10th 881
21/12/19 YHOA Night League MEDIUM 01:11:38 20th 913
24/12/17 Regional Event MEDIUM 01:21:39 12th
23/12/17 YHOA Night League MEDIUM 01:21:39 11th
11/06/17 YHOA Urban League BLUE 01:11:51 20th 843 Racing Chl: Silver
04/02/17 YHOA Night League Medium 01:11:03 17th 923
14/01/17 YHOA Night League Medium 01:16:03 16th 928
17/12/16 YHOA Night League Medium 01:12:44 25th 931
19/11/16 YHOA Night League MEDIUM 01:07:37 17th 930
16/01/16 YHOA Night League long 02:23:20
09/01/16 YHOA Night League Medium 02:03:26 12th 925
28/02/15 British Night Championships (UKOL) UKOL 5 (M65, W18, W45, W50) 01:18:02 36th 989
04/01/15 Regional Event Green 00:52:44 18th 1023 Racing Chl: Silver
21/12/14 Regional Event Light Green 00:45:54 1st Racing Chl: Silver
20/12/14 YHOA Night League NIGHT MEDIUM 01:06:52 18th 938
15/11/14 YHOA Night League Medium 02:19:33 13th
02/03/14 Robin Hood Trophy Course SBR 01:37:38 49th 1031
09/02/14 YHOA Superleague Course BLU 01:45:16 50th 973
05/01/14 AIRE Regional Event Short Blue 01:09:45 19th 1047 Racing Chl: Silver
29/12/13 Regional Event Blue 00:57:35 25th 1111 Racing Chl: Gold
21/12/13 YHOA Night League Medium (Light Green) 00:39:38 4th
16/11/13 YHOA Night League Long 01:12:35 30th
17/03/13 EBOR Regional Event Green 00:51:12 12th 1123 Racing Chl: Gold
10/03/13 Regional Event Blue 01:31:29 22nd 1041 Racing Chl: Bronze
03/03/13 CLARO - Regional Event (Swinsty) Blue 01:15:06 39th 1086 Racing Chl: Gold
09/02/13 British Night Championships (UKOL1) UKOL Badge Course 3A (M45, M50) 02:26:49 39th
02/02/13 YHOA Night League Long (Blue) 01:06:59 22nd
06/01/13 Aire Regional Event Blue 01:18:32 46th 1088 Racing Chl: Silver
01/04/12 Regional Event Brown 01:26:18
04/02/12 Northern Nights/YHOA Night League Course BL 01:33:49 26th