British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Kieran Brown

BOF number 328096 | Club HH | Association SEOA | Current Points - | Current Ranking -
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
01/02/25 HH Local event Yellow 00:31:44 3rd Racing Chl: Bronze
04/01/25 HH Saturday Series - Sherrards Park Yellow 00:43:56 8th Navigation Chl
17/11/24 HH - Jack of Herts - Whippendell Yellow 00:24:26 3rd Racing Chl: Gold
02/11/24 HH Saturday Series - Fairlands Valley Yellow 00:20:13 5th Racing Chl: Gold
05/10/24 HH Saturday Series - Verulamium Yellow 00:25:21 4th Racing Chl: Gold
21/09/24 HH Saturday Series - Panshanger White 00:10:58 1st Racing Chl: Gold
12/05/24 SO Sunny Sussex Weekend - 3/3 - Houghton Forest, Arundel. National event / SE League event White 00:15:22 2nd Racing Chl: Gold
21/04/24 SCOL7 and TVOC Regional Event & SCOA YBT round Yellow 01:20:16 22nd Navigation Chl
06/04/24 HH Saturday Series Chipperfield White 00:16:16 2nd Racing Chl: Silver
31/03/24 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Long (UKOL) 24 00:28:44 31st
30/03/24 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Middle (UKOL) 24 00:17:32 16th
29/03/24 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) 14 00:30:05 47th
02/03/24 HH Saturday Series Mardley Heath White 00:22:23 1st Racing Chl: Bronze
25/02/24 HH SE League - Ace of Herts, Ashridge White 00:28:52 5th Racing Chl: Silver
04/06/22 HH Saturday Series Highfield Park White 00:21:08 2nd Racing Chl: Bronze
05/03/22 HH Saturday Series Sherrardspark Wood White 00:35:58 15th Navigation Chl
05/02/22 HH Saturday Series Mardley Heath White 00:32:09 11th Navigation Chl
05/06/21 HH Saturday Series Stanborough Yellow 00:36:02 16th Racing Chl: Bronze
23/05/21 TVOC Chiltern Challenge National Event Yellow 01:19:38 14th Navigation Chl
08/05/21 HH Saturday Series Nomansland Yellow 00:50:44 29th Navigation Chl