British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Graham Urquhart

BOF number 372522 | Club OD | Association WMOA | Current Points 1711 | Current Ranking 4095th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
09/02/25 WML Event - Wrockwardine Wood Short Green 01:32:43 34th Navigation Chl
02/02/25 Brandon Wood WML event Rearranged Date Short Green 01:48:53 52nd 574 Navigation Chl
18/01/25 Everdon Stubbs Medium 01:19:34 16th
26/10/24 Cracks Hill Local Event Medium 01:12:29 16th
01/09/24 WMUL Event - Worcester Urban Course 4 01:19:22 59th 460
21/08/22 Rough Close Scout Camp Short 00:50:05
30/01/22 Midlands Championships (UKOL) UKOL 14 (M85, M90, W80) 01:45:07 20th 337
21/01/22 Big Weekend FWTN #6 Short 01:08:45 100th
16/01/22 Dudmaston Short Green 01:46:35
07/11/21 EBOR Morning Sprint - YHOA Sprint Championships 6: M ultravet (65+) am 00:50:55
29/08/21 Hinckley Urban Event Short 00:40:09 3rd
23/05/21 TVOC Chiltern Challenge National Event Short Green 01:37:08
01/05/21 OD Spring Event - Pooley Country Park Short 00:40:20 6th
24/04/21 OD Spring Event - Rough Close (closed event) No EOD Short 00:37:44
26/09/20 OD Saturday Morning Event - Itchington Holt (OD members only - pre-entry required) Easy 01:07:15 4th
19/01/20 NGOC 50th Anniversary (inc. SW League Event) SGreen 02:01:02 41st 374
12/01/20 East Midlands League 2020 Short Green 01:42:51 41st 465 Navigation Chl
05/01/20 Brindley Heath - West Midlands League Event 1 Short green 01:34:27 55th 345 Navigation Chl
08/12/19 WMOA League Event 12 & WM Champs Sherbrook Short Green 02:25:30
21/09/19 City of London Race 7 01:22:53 74th 732
03/08/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 6 (UKOL) C19 01:51:51 86th 250
30/07/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 3 C19 01:51:16 97th 466
29/07/19 Scottish 6Days - Strathearn 2019 - Day 2 C19 02:00:10
09/06/19 Coventry Weekend of Orienteering (UKOL) (UKUL) (WMOA Urban League 4) UKOL 4 (M65, M70, W55, W60) 01:31:51 84th 475
08/06/19 Coventry Weekend of Orienteering (UKOL) UKOL 4 (M65, M70, W55, W60, W65) 01:19:42 71st 578
27/05/19 Springtime in Shropshire 2019 Day 3 Middle (UKOL) UKOL Short Green (M75, M80, M85, W55, W60, W65) 01:43:32
25/05/19 Springtime in Shropshire 2019 Day 1 Urban Shrewsbury (UKUL & WMUL 2) course 4 01:12:40 135th 620
12/05/19 WMOA League Event 7 Parkhall SG 01:50:17 27th 541
07/04/19 WMOA League Event 6 Arrow Valley Short Green 01:16:53 27th 600 Racing Chl: Bronze
17/02/19 TVOC Chiltern Challenge National Event Short Green 01:33:20 61st 572 Navigation Chl
20/01/19 WRE WMOA League Event 2 and Yvette Baker Trophy Heat Short Green 01:41:56 26th 428 Navigation Chl
13/01/19 WMOA League Event 1 & WCH Champs Beaudesert SHORT GREEN 01:52:32 50th 516 Navigation Chl
02/12/18 WML Event #10 Short Green 01:26:05 49th 470 Navigation Chl
25/11/18 East Midlands League 2018 & Park Series 5 Short Green 01:24:23 48th 461 Navigation Chl
04/11/18 Eurocity Race Tour weekend (Urban event) 3 01:56:46 80th 500
03/11/18 Eurocity Race Tour Weekend (supporting Sprint Race) Course 3 01:06:21 66th 376
14/10/18 WML Highgate Common - West Midlands League Short Green
15/09/18 SLOW City of London Race 5 01:34:49 155th 597
08/07/18 (WMOA League #6) OD Event - Burton Dassett Hills Country Park Sh Green 01:06:14 16th 544
17/06/18 Birmingham University Urban UKUL 2018 & WMUL 2018 5 MSV WV 01:36:32 35th 527
03/06/18 The Dales Town and Country Weekend / YHOA Superleague Short Green 02:17:11 31st 456 Navigation Chl
02/06/18 The Dales Town and Country Weekend / YHOA Urban League Short Green 01:16:07 28th 590 Navigation Chl
13/05/18 (WMOA League #5) OD Event - Bentley Wood 4:Sh.Green 01:41:00 51st 547
22/04/18 BOK Regional Event (ASO) Short Green 01:44:59 23rd 517 Navigation Chl
14/04/18 (WMUL) Rugby Urban Event 5 WUV MHV WHV 01:07:33 8th
20/01/18 TVOC RAF Halton Urban (C) (SEOUL) Course 3 01:48:09 61st 314
14/01/18 East Midlands League 2018 Short Green 01:15:46 38th 641 Racing Chl: Bronze
07/01/18 East Midlands League 2018 Short Green 01:19:31 40th 658 Navigation Chl
03/12/17 OD Club Champs & WMOA League Event 12 - Hay Wood 4 Short Green 01:07:54 19th 662 Navigation Chl
26/11/17 WMOA League Event 11 Shrt Green 01:45:42 43rd 307