British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Nick Silk

BOF number 380011 | Club SWOC | Association WOA | Current Points 1008 | Current Ranking 4529th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
20/04/14 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (Day 3) Badge 8 (M45L, M50L) 01:43:05 78th 1158
02/03/14 Welsh Orienteering Championships brown 128:02:00 42nd 1103 Navigation Chl
16/02/14 CompassSport Cup Heat Green Women 00:47:41 7th 1064
09/02/14 Welsh League and Avon Schools Event 2014 Blue 01:15:25 15th 1142 Racing Chl: Silver
13/10/13 Welsh Championships Badge 2 (W21E) 01:36:08 19th 1182
23/06/13 Welsh League Event 2013 Blue 01:17:15 23rd 1110 Racing Chl: Silver
04/05/13 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL9) UKOL Badge Course 18 (W45L, M45S) 01:08:37 18th 1127
31/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (UKOL6 - uses combined results of Day 2 &3) UKOL Badge Course 13 (M45L) 03:14:56 82nd
31/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (Day 3) Badge Course 13 01:42:50 85th 1153
30/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (Day 2) Badge Course 13 01:32:06 96th 1123
24/02/13 SWOC Welsh League Event Blue 01:09:53 4th 1175 Racing Chl: Gold
25/11/12 BOK Galoppen + Yvette Baker Trophy Heat Blue 01:09:15 24th 1136 Racing Chl: Gold
04/11/12 POW event and Yvette Baker Trophy Heat Light Green 01:00:32 7th Racing Chl: Bronze
24/07/12 Welsh 6 day CROESO day 3 Middle Distance race Badge 3 (M21L) 01:00:10 73rd 1107
23/07/12 Welsh 6 day CROESO day 2 Badge 3 (M21L) 01:18:37 96th 1056
05/05/12 British Orienteering Championships Badge 18 (M12A, M14B, W12A, W14B) 01:07:31 15th 1085
18/03/12 NGOC Galoppen & League 6 Green 00:44:34 3rd 1099 Racing Chl: Gold
20/11/11 Ffridd Mathrafal POW Regional Event including an Yvette Baker Trophy Heat Blue 01:09:54 20th 1008
18/06/11 SBOC MidSummer on Gower and Welsh League Brown 01:05:40
14/05/11 Individual Badge Course 13 01:57:12 57th 1120
08/05/11 Gilwern Hill Blue 00:59:03 8th 1113
27/03/11 SWOC Regional Event Brown 01:54:31
06/03/11 SBOC Welsh Championships (also a UK Masters Cup event) Brown 01:37:09 26th 1138
05/03/11 SBOC Welsh Short Distance Championship Short Open 00:30:06 27th 1189
16/01/11 CompassSport Cup 1st Round BROWN 01:28:43 31st 1066
17/10/10 CompassSport Cup Final Brown 02:08:30 93rd 1067
19/06/10 SBOC Regional Event & Club Champs Brown 01:52:43 17th 994
04/04/10 Day 3 (Individual) Course No 10 (M40S, W40L) 01:13:50 28th 1110
03/04/10 Day 2 (Individual) Course No 8 (M40S, W40L) 01:06:40 17th 1154
02/04/10 Day 1 (Sprint) Course No 3 (M40, M45) 00:23:47 138th 1023
21/03/10 SWOC Level 2 Regional Event and Welsh League Blue 00:50:20 11th 1141
14/03/10 SBOC Regional Event Green 00:51:41 8th 1145
07/03/10 Welsh Weekend - Welsh Classic Distance Championship and Regional event Brown 01:37:56 6th
06/03/10 Welsh Weekend - Welsh Middle Distance Championships Brown 01:04:20 15th 1104
21/02/10 National Event & Southern Championships Badge 6 (M35S, W35L, W20E, M40S, W40L, W18E) 01:16:56 6th 1186
24/01/10 CSC 1st Round - Malvern Brown 01:29:04 35th 1076
18/10/09 Compass Sport Cup Final Brown 01:38:50 109th 1095
10/10/09 Welsh Championships Regional Event M40S 01:10:19 3rd 1154
02/05/09 Regional Event & FCC Cup Final (Middle) and ASOA Championships Blue 00:55:16 15th 1247
19/04/09 Graythwaite Regional Event inc. Northerm Champs & FCC round M40S 02:01:09 6th 1023