British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Jon Carberry

BOF number 406402 | Club SROC | Association NWOA | Current Points - | Current Ranking -
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
28/09/24 Northern Sprint Championships - Second Race Accessible 2 00:14:20 4th
28/09/24 Northern Sprint Championships - First Race Accessible 1 00:28:24 7th
29/04/23 SROC spring series 2 Hard 01:13:31 46th
09/04/23 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Long (UKOL) UKOL 20 (W16, W60) 02:02:38 122nd 917
08/04/23 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Middle (UKOL) UKOL 13 (M70) 01:07:23 101st 964
19/03/23 Frodsham Hill, Middle Distance event. Green 00:48:12 20th 981 Racing Chl: Gold
16/10/22 CompassSport Cup Final Green Men 01:20:28 70th 964
15/10/22 Stirling City Race - SOUL10 3 - Blue 00:49:36
09/10/22 National Event Ainsdale Dunes (UKOL) UKOL Blue (M16, M55, M60, W35, W40) 02:15:06 62nd 853
18/09/22 Caddihoe Day 2 3 00:59:58 41st 1017
17/09/22 Caddihoe Day 1 and Southern Championships (UKOL) UKOL Course 09 (M75, W60) 01:16:26 24th 938
09/08/22 Lakes 5 Days - Day 3 (UKOL) UKOL 9 (W16, W18, W20, W65) 01:20:56 63rd 977
08/08/22 Lakes 5 Days - Day 2 9 01:10:06 71st 932
07/08/22 Lakes 5 Days - Day 1 9 01:34:13 85th 874
12/06/22 British Sprint Championships Qualifiers Q3-2 00:25:08 46th 926
12/06/22 British Sprint Championships Finals F3-C 00:25:02 15th 822
12/06/22 British Sprint Championships (UKOL) UKOL F3 (M55, M60, W40, W45, W50) 02:25:02 123rd
23/04/22 Lakeland Weekend Day 1 Blue 01:52:01 82nd 926 Navigation Chl
17/10/21 CompassSport Cup Final 6 Green Men 01:37:25 83rd 856
22/05/21 Brun Valley Forest Regional and Yvette Baker Trophy Heat Short Blue 01:13:05 13th 942 Racing Chl: Silver
16/05/21 SROC spring event Green 01:32:32 33rd Racing Chl: Bronze
05/05/19 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL) UKOL 17 (W16, W60) 00:57:54 40th 1022
21/04/19 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Individual 2 (UKOL) UKOL 19 (M75, W65) 00:54:44 9th 1065
20/04/19 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 13 (M70) 00:41:15 24th 1071
21/10/18 Compass Sport Cup Final 4 Blue Men 01:22:44 89th 1116
06/10/18 Liverpool Big Weekend Day 1 Formby Dunes (UKOL) UKOL Blue (M16, M55, M60, W35, W40) 01:13:31 63rd 1080
19/05/18 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL) UKOL 19 (W55) 01:16:02 25th 1092
14/04/18 LOC April Weekend National Level Middle Distance Blue Men 01:21:30 78th 926
01/04/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (UKOL) UKOL 18 (W16, W60) 01:04:29 58th 1055
31/03/18 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 12 (W55) 00:42:01 52nd 1073
24/03/18 JOK Chasing Sprint - Chase Results 3 00:31:12 32nd
24/03/18 JOK Chasing Sprint - Prologue Results 3 00:35:04 35th 1017
24/03/18 JOK Chasing Sprint - Overall Results 3 01:06:16 37th
05/11/17 November Classic and Southern Championships (UKOL) UKOL 8 (M70, W16, W18, W20, W55) 01:14:58 49th 1069
01/10/17 British Middle Distance Championships (UKOL) UKOL Course 5 (M18, M20, M55, W35) 01:13:11 82nd 1016
30/09/17 British Sprint Championships - Heats H4.2 00:17:04 13th 1115
30/09/17 British Sprint Championships - Finals F08 00:21:51 46th 1063
30/09/17 British Sprint Championships (UKOL) F08 01:21:51 46th
20/05/17 Scottish Championships - Individual 8 01:14:25 26th 1051
06/05/17 British Long Championships (UKOL) UKOL 20 (M70) 01:19:33 25th 1060
16/04/17 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (UKOL) Long Distance UKOL 18(W16, W60) 01:06:11 37th 1080
15/04/17 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (UKOL) Middle Distance UKOL 12(W55) 00:36:40 25th 1092
12/03/17 CompassSport Cup Heat Blue Men 01:21:31 22nd 1111
26/02/17 Northern Championships (UKOL) UKOL 8 (M70, W55, W16) 95:26:00 67th 1039
29/01/17 DEE Middle Distance Blue 00:44:50 14th 1089 Racing Chl: Gold
12/11/16 LOC/SROC Weekend (UKOL) UKOL Blue Men (M55, M60, M16) 00:44:27 55th 1116
16/10/16 CompassSport Cup Final Blue Men 01:42:15 90th 1036
02/10/16 Caddihoe Chase Day 2 (UKOL) UKOL Green (M55S, M70, W16, W35S, W40S, W55, W60) 00:55:38 14th
01/10/16 Caddihoe Chase Day 1 (UKOL) UKOL Green (M55S, M70, W16, W35S, W40S, W55, W60, G) 00:49:26 18th 1064
18/09/16 PFO HotPot Weekend - Long Distance (UKOL) UKOL Green (M55S, M60S, M70L, W16A, W35S, W40S, W55L, W60L) 01:18:38 11th 1032