British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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David Thacker

BOF number 420801 | Club OD | Association WMOA | Current Points 1060 | Current Ranking 4439th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
18/01/25 Everdon Stubbs Long 00:46:30 5th
11/02/24 EMOA League 2024 Beacon Hill Green 00:44:19 2nd 1060 Racing Chl: Gold
12/06/21 OD Summer Event - Hartshill Hays Country Park Long 01:05:30 4th
01/05/21 OD Spring Event - Pooley Country Park Long 00:41:19 2nd
06/03/11 Regional Event Epping South West Black 01:33:42 13th 1159
06/02/11 DFOK District Event Brown 01:11:23 17th 1171
01/05/10 British Orienteering Championships M21S 01:14:29 10th 1210
04/04/10 Day 3 (Individual) Course No 8 (M18L, M20L, M21S, W21L) 01:07:32 4th 1271
03/04/10 Day 2 (Individual) Course No 6 (M18L, M20L, M21S, W21L) 01:02:29 13th 1226
28/03/10 HOC Colour Coded Event Blue 00:58:45 8th
28/02/10 Regional Event Short Brown 68:12:00 11th 1249
20/02/10 Malvern Mini League 4 Blue 00:38:39 3rd
07/02/10 Robin Hood Trophy Course 1 (M21) 01:30:17 5th
24/01/10 CSC 1st Round - Malvern Brown 01:07:07 17th 1222
13/12/09 National Event , Midlands Championships & Interland Selection Race Badge (M21L) 01:49:07 7th
22/11/09 Regional Event Black 01:29:38 10th 1246
08/11/09 Titterstone Clee Short Brown 01:27:02 11th 1186
31/05/09 TVOC Chiltern Challenge Regional Event Short Brown 01:09:33 10th 1249
17/05/09 OD Regional Event Black 01:31:11 10th 1265
03/05/09 The Mike Nelson BOKTrot National event inc BEOC (Long) & FCC Final (Long) M21S 01:06:09 1st 1251
02/05/09 Regional Event & FCC Cup Final (Middle) and ASOA Championships Short Brown 01:20:30 39th 1198
12/04/09 JK Day 3 Middle/Long Course 8 (M18L-M21S-W21L) 01:14:43 18th 1228
11/04/09 JK Day 2 Middle /Long Course 8 (M20L-M18L-M21S-W21L) 01:13:32 20th 1215
22/02/09 National Event & Southern Championships & Interland M21S 01:05:13 3rd 1272
15/02/09 SMOC Regional Event & EA Championships M21S 01:13:21 1st 1237