British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Ade Chapman

BOF number 474431 | Club LOG | Association EMOA | Current Points 6992 | Current Ranking 869th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
26/05/13 Springtime in Shropshire Urban Event (UKOL10) UKOL Course 2 (M40, M45, M50, W18, W20, W21, W35) 00:41:42 38th 1185
26/05/13 Springtime in Shropshire Badge Course 3 01:27:30 38th 1181
25/05/13 Springtime in Shropshire Badge Course 3 01:12:49 60th 1155
06/05/13 BOC Weekend Urban Race Veteran Men(M40+) 00:49:56 44th 1191
04/05/13 British Orienteering Championships (UKOL9) UKOL Badge Course 14 (M50L) 01:24:43 33rd 1188
07/04/13 SE /SCOA Middle Distance Championships Black 00:46:39 28th 1195 Racing Chl: Gold
01/04/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Relays Course 1-BB 00:49:02 21st
31/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (Day 3) Course 14 01:22:53 31st 1202
31/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (UKOL6 - uses combined results of Day 2 &3) UKOL Badge Course 14 (M50L) 02:35:03 30th
30/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (Day 2) Course 14 01:12:10 42nd 1199
29/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL5) UKOL Badge Course 6 (M50) 00:13:23 13th 1241
10/03/13 MV Regional SE League Brown 01:17:14 7th 1214 Racing Chl: Gold
17/02/13 Compass Sport Cup Round 1 Blue Men 01:07:19 36th 1184
10/02/13 TVOC Chiltern Challenge Brown 01:25:37 16th 1221 Racing Chl: Gold
01/12/12 Southern Night Champs Blue 01:05:43 38th Navigation Chl
25/11/12 MOR Aldroughty and Quarrelwood - Level C - Inter Services and N Area Junior Inter Club Black 01:31:49 22nd 1199 Racing Chl: Gold
23/09/12 Southern Championships Badge 8 (M45L, M50L) 02:03:56 58th 1056
22/09/12 The Fifth City of London Race 05 - Men's Vet (M40+) 01:00:23
02/09/12 Lincoln City Race Course B 00:53:17 14th 1120
26/08/12 White Rose Classic Distance Race 2 Short Brown 01:10:37 30th 1152 Racing Chl: Gold
25/08/12 White Rose Classic Distance Race 1 Short Brown 01:26:44 38th 1116 Racing Chl: Gold
08/07/12 Nottingham City Race UKOL Badge Course 2 00:43:13 12th 1109
24/06/12 SAX Canterbury Urban Race 00:51:20 14th 1152
23/06/12 SAX Sprint 00:24:58 16th 1166
05/06/12 Scottish Champs Extended Weekend - Middle-Distance Race Brown 00:48:28 45th 1164 Racing Chl: Gold
04/06/12 Scottish Champs Extended Weekend - Sprint Race incorporating SOUL 3 Badge Course 1 00:22:23 12th 1208
02/06/12 Scottish Championships - Individual 8 M45/50L 01:42:59 40th 1138
08/04/12 JK Weekend - Day 3 Badge 13 (W45S, W65L, M65S, M75L, W50S, W70L, M80L) 02:11:03 79th 1008
07/04/12 JK Weekend - Day 2 Badge 13 (W45S, W65L, M65S, M75L, W50S, W70L, M80L) 01:31:10 42nd 1162
06/04/12 JK Weekend - Day 1 - Sprint Badge 4 (M35L, M40L, M20E, M18E) 00:16:38 13th 1225
25/03/12 British Middle Distance Orienteering Championships Badge Course 4 00:43:33 66th 1126
24/03/12 British Sprint Champs - prologue Course H2C 00:15:16 8th 1246
24/03/12 British Sprint Orienteering Championships Course FA2 00:15:53 40th 1179
29/01/12 BKO Concorde Chase Level B Event Brown 01:23:57 23rd 1126 Racing Chl: Gold
22/01/12 EUOC Burns Weekend incorporating SoSOL 1 Brown/Long 01:44:56 53rd 1152
21/01/12 EUOC Burns Weekend - Urban Race incorporating SOUL 1 B 00:48:03 54th 1121
27/11/11 WCH Regional and WMOA League 9 Brown 01:36:37 23rd 1149
20/11/11 CHIG Regional Event Badge 8 (M45L, M50L) 02:03:56 58th 1059
06/11/11 November Classic Regional Event Short Brown 01:33:36 44th 1113
23/10/11 TVOC Regional Event & SCOA League Blue 01:04:08 19th 1132
05/08/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 Day 5 Course 45 01:33:57 58th 1130
04/08/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 - Day 4 Course 45 01:44:40 64th 1136
02/08/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 - Day 3 Course 45 01:46:26 86th 1042
01/08/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 - Day 2 Course 45 01:45:19 77th 1098
31/07/11 Scottish 6 Days - 2011 - Day 1 Course 45 01:35:59 77th 1073
26/06/11 Moray & Highland Junior Champs & INVOC League - Roseisle Brown 01:27:05 6th 1193
12/06/11 Day 2 - Scottish O League 4 - Culbin Forest Short Brown 01:38:32 34th 1139
11/06/11 Day 1 - Nopesport Urban League - Lossiemouth Veteran Men (M40+) 00:59:01 23rd 1186
28/05/11 Scottish Individual Championships Course 08 02:08:41 31st 1132
14/05/11 Individual Badge Course 13 01:49:13 50th 1148