British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Nathan Havel

BOF number 529717 | Club SLOW | Association SEOA | Current Points 6846 | Current Ranking 1016th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
12/01/25 CHIG Mitre - National, SE League and SWELL. Black 01:53:07 30th 1159 Racing Chl: Gold
15/12/24 Mole Festive Event Blue 00:53:10 21st 1153 Racing Chl: Gold
26/11/24 SLOW Night Series Long 00:38:33 21st
10/11/24 SLOW SEL and National Event Black 02:21:08 32nd 1127 Racing Chl: Gold
20/10/24 CompassSport Cup Final 1 02:05:22 52nd 1113
14/09/24 City of London Race 1 01:23:16 97th 1095
27/07/24 Croeso Day 6 5 00:53:35 36th 1135
26/07/24 Croeso Day 5 4 01:30:24 53rd 1121
25/07/24 Croeso Day 4 4 01:56:17 48th 1105
23/07/24 Croeso Day 3 4 01:24:13 42nd 1142
22/07/24 Croeso Day 2 (UKOL) UKOL 5 (M65, W40, W45) 00:50:43 48th 1107
21/07/24 Croeso Day 1 (UKOL) UKOL 4 (M50, W20, W35) 01:46:21 55th 1130
28/11/23 SLOW Night O Series Long 00:43:47 17th
22/07/12 Welsh 6 day CROESO day 1 UKOL 4 (M50, W20, W35) 01:46:21 55th