British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Peter Meehan

BOF number 581873 | Club NWOC | Association NIOA | Current Points - | Current Ranking -
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
28/12/24 NWOC Xmas Event 2024 Green 00:47:23 2nd Racing Chl: Gold
04/09/21 Portstewart Dunes - NI Colour Series 3 Brown 01:13:04 2nd 1257 Racing Chl: Gold
28/12/19 NWOC Xmas Event Long 00:33:45 3rd
01/06/19 NI Sprint & Middle Distance Course 1 00:20:31 3rd
28/12/16 NWOC Christmas Event Green 00:50:31 2nd Racing Chl: Gold
22/10/16 Senior Home Internationals Individual M20 02:08:33 10th 1274
16/10/16 CompassSport Cup Final Short Brown 01:03:54 23rd 1290 Racing Chl: Gold
27/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 2 (WRE & UKOL) UKOL 2 (M18, M20) 01:47:02 43rd 1261
26/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 2 (M18, M20) 00:39:54 48th 1263
25/03/16 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (WRE & UKOL) UKOL 1 (M18, M20, M21) 00:23:13 157th 1209
13/03/16 CompassSport Cup Heat Short Brown 00:54:46 11th 1264 Racing Chl: Gold
23/01/16 EUOC Burns Weekend - SOUL & UK Urban League Course A 01:23:17 39th 1249
22/01/16 FwtN #6 Long 00:26:37 26th
18/10/15 Compass Sport Cup Final Junior Men 00:32:37 14th 1233
26/09/15 JIRCs Weekend 1 - M18 00:54:54 17th 1263
05/09/15 NI Colour Series 5 Brown 01:09:51 9th 1269 Racing Chl: Gold
06/08/15 Scottish 6 Days - Day4 C35 00:59:41 37th 1246
05/08/15 Scottish 6 Days - Day3 (UKOL) UKOL C35 (M18) 00:48:07 49th 1225
04/08/15 Scottish 6 Days Open Sprint - Forres incorporating SOUL5 1 00:20:27 16th 1299
03/08/15 Scottish 6 Days - Day2 (UKOL) UKOL C35 (M18) 01:10:11 54th 1208
02/08/15 Scottish 6 Days - Day1 C35 01:07:31 29th 1263
01/08/15 Scottish 6 Days Open Sprint - Nairn Men_Blue 00:17:20 15th
02/05/15 Irish Long Distance Championships 01:11:36
01/05/15 Irish Sprint Championships 00:15:18 18th 1294
05/04/15 JK Weekend Individual 2 (UKOL) UKOL 2 (M18, M20) 02:20:27 64th 1196
04/04/15 JK Weekend Individual 1 (UKOL) UKOL 2 (M18, M20) 01:06:43 65th 1195
03/04/15 JK Weekend Sprint (UKOL) UKOL 1 (M18, M20, M21) 00:23:03 181st 1229
04/10/14 NI Championships 3 00:58:39 6th 1242
06/09/14 Northern Ireland Colour Series 4 Brown 01:21:52 8th 1241 Racing Chl: Gold
30/08/14 JHI Weekend M18 01:15:02 10th 1273
12/04/14 Northern Ireland Colour Series 3 Brown 00:54:12 4th Racing Chl: Gold
09/03/14 Northern Ireland Colour Series 1 Brown 01:07:36 4th 1234 Racing Chl: Gold
26/01/14 EUOC Burns Weekend - SoSOL 4 Brown 01:27:44 38th 1221 Racing Chl: Gold
25/01/14 EUOC Burns Weekend - City Race - incorporating bto SOUL1 Course A 00:55:32 33rd 1251
24/01/14 FWTN #6 - King's Buildings Long 00:28:08 22nd
09/11/13 NI Colour Series 8 Brown 00:59:29 4th Navigation Chl
02/08/13 Scottish 6 Days - Moray2013 Day5 C34 00:58:58 24th 1234
01/08/13 Scottish 6 Days - Moray2013 Day4 (Incorporating EuroMeeting Middle Distance - A World Ranking Event) C34 00:58:00 31st 1235
30/07/13 Scottish 6 Days - Moray2013 Day3 (Incorporating UKOL15) UKOL C34 (M16) 00:55:10 24th 1251
29/07/13 Scottish 6 Days - Moray2013 Day2 C34 01:05:16 42nd 1210
28/07/13 Scottish 6 Days - Moray2013 Day1 (Incorporating UKOL14) UKOL C34 (M16) 00:53:34 42nd 1204
08/06/13 NI Colour Series 4 Brown 00:57:54 6th Racing Chl: Gold
01/04/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Relays Course 5-CB 00:31:36
31/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (Day 3) Badge Course 17 (W14A, W16B) 01:19:09 40th 1198
31/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (UKOL6 - uses combined results of Day 2 &3) UKOL Badge Course 17 (M16A) 02:17:47 34th
30/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival (Day 2) Badge Course 17 (W14A, W16B) 00:58:38 31st 1236
29/03/13 Jan Kjellstrom Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL5) UKOL Badge Course 5 (M16) 00:13:45 22nd 1244
09/03/13 NI Colour Series 1 Brown 01:07:47 8th Racing Chl: Gold
27/01/13 EUOC Burns Weekend - Chasing Sprint - Chase 5 (M16-) 00:13:14 4th
27/01/13 EUOC Burns Weekend - Chasing Sprint - Prologue 5 (M16-) 00:27:20 12th