British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Andrew Price

BOF number 582111 | Club BOK | Association SWOA | Current Points 1735 | Current Ranking 4090th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
12/01/25 BOK Regional & SW League event blue 02:02:20 59th 929 Racing Chl: Bronze
30/12/24 SCOL6 and SN Regional event Purple 01:15:54 26th 806
04/05/24 BOK Local event Green 01:07:29 32nd Racing Chl: Gold
17/03/24 BOK Local event Blue 01:49:53 49th Navigation Chl
21/01/24 BOK Regional event & SW League Green 01:44:10 51st 790 Navigation Chl
29/12/23 SCOL4 and SN Regional event Green 01:24:24 52nd 895 Racing Chl: Bronze
25/11/23 BOK Local event Blue 01:24:05
15/10/23 BOK Local event Blue 01:25:00
21/05/23 BOK Regional event and Mike Nelson BOK Trot Orange 01:01:36 16th Navigation Chl
26/04/23 SW Sprint Champs & BOK Urban Series 1 - Heat 1 Long 1 00:25:26 46th 853
26/04/23 SW Sprint Champs & BOK Urban Series 1 - Heat 2 Long 2 00:21:40 47th 853
22/04/23 BOK Local event Light Green 01:22:16 6th Navigation Chl