British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Dean Pepper

BOF number 595373 | Club SOS | Association EAOA | Current Points 2526 | Current Ranking 3620th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
01/12/24 Tunstall Forest (new area) EAL Green 01:12:46 34th 863 Racing Chl: Bronze
15/09/24 SOS Hatfield Forest Blue 02:38:49 37th 674 Navigation Chl
02/06/24 HAVOC Regional and SWELL Blue 01:48:30 11th 989 Racing Chl: Bronze
19/05/24 Chelmsford City Urban Course1 01:15:50 7th
21/01/24 HAVOC SWELL Green 01:34:44 33rd 852 Racing Chl: Bronze
05/11/23 SOS Baddow Ridge Blue
30/10/22 SOS Hylands Park Blue 01:14:06 15th 906 Racing Chl: Gold
19/06/22 SOS Highwoods - Note change of venue! Blue 01:24:59 12th 1093 Racing Chl: Gold
15/05/22 Colchester Urban Course 1 01:23:00 20th 1009