British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Ethan Baikie

BOF number 680446 | Club FVO | Association SOA | Current Points - | Current Ranking -
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
09/02/25 Plean Regional Event (UKOL) Orange 01:07:25 12th Navigation Chl
02/02/25 SOUL & UKUL 2 - Musselburgh Course 7 00:18:12 5th
26/01/25 Edinburgh Big Weekend - Arthur's Seat Classic Yellow 00:41:05 11th Racing Chl: Bronze
25/01/25 Edinburgh Big Weekend - Edinburgh City Race (SOUL 1) 7 00:37:53 7th
01/01/25 Christmas Cup Day 4 (Resolution Sprint) Junior 00:54:50 6th
01/12/24 BASOC club champs SCORE Score_U16 00:41:59 2nd
03/11/24 Stirling City Race - Dunblane East (UK Urban League) (SOUL 9) Course 7 00:23:33 9th
02/11/24 Polmaise Regional Event Orange 01:32:46 9th Navigation Chl
27/10/24 Scottish Orienteering League 5 (inc. Junior Inter-Area Individual) Yellow 00:31:34 14th Racing Chl: Silver
20/10/24 CompassSport Cup Final 11 01:23:21 6th
19/10/24 SELOC Saturday series (6) Part of Compass Sport Final weekend YELLOW 44:04:00 7th Navigation Chl
06/10/24 AYROC SoSOL Yellow 00:26:13 1st Racing Chl: Gold
22/09/24 MOR - Scottish Orienteering Urban League Event - Burghead (SOUL 8) 7 00:30:03 12th
21/09/24 INVOC - Scottish Orienteering Urban League Event (SOUL 7) 7 00:41:38 7th
01/09/24 Scottish Sprint Championships (SOUL 6) - PM Course 6 00:22:21 5th
01/09/24 Scottish Sprint Championships (SOUL 6) - AM Course 6 00:17:10 3rd
24/08/24 Ted Finch Sprint Relay - Falkirk Helix & Kelpies Short 00:18:12 7th
11/07/24 WOC2024 Tour - warm up (and SoSOL) Yellow 01:16:34 16th Navigation Chl
09/06/24 Scottish Orienteering League 3 White 00:32:52 4th Navigation Chl
08/06/24 INT Local Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians Yellow 00:32:18 3rd Racing Chl: Silver
18/05/24 LOC National Weekend White 00:28:07 2nd Racing Chl: Bronze
21/04/24 Scottish Orienteering League 2 White 00:24:53
20/04/24 Scottish Middle Championships 9 00:42:07 1st
31/03/24 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Long (UKOL) 24 00:39:59 42nd
29/03/24 Jan Kjellström Orienteering Festival - Sprint (UKOL) 14 01:16:09 72nd
24/03/24 ELO SoSOL White 00:09:24 8th Racing Chl: Gold
18/02/24 CompassSport Cup Heat White 00:28:09 3rd Racing Chl: Bronze