British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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George Anderton

BOF number 714572 | Club UBOC | Association SWOA | Current Points 7534 | Current Ranking 368th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
11/01/25 DFOK KOL 3 Blue 00:40:12 5th Racing Chl: Gold
09/11/24 BOK Local event Blue 01:10:26 9th Racing Chl: Gold
03/11/24 November Classic (UKOL) UKOL 2 (M20, M35, M40, W21) 01:29:18 15th 1251
02/11/24 Salisbury City Race 2024 (UKOL) UKOL 1 (M18, M20, M21, M35) 00:52:45 21st 1247
22/09/24 Caddihoe Day 2 (UKOL) UKOL 1 Black (M18, M20, M21, M35, M40) 00:59:59 24th 1227
21/09/24 Caddihoe Day 1 (UKOL) UKOL 2 Brown (M20, M35, M40, W21) 01:36:41 8th 1252
27/07/24 Croeso Day 6 2 01:27:23 36th 1124
26/07/24 Croeso Day 5 2 01:30:53 31st 1195
25/07/24 Croeso Day 4 2 01:19:34 6th 1288
23/07/24 Croeso Day 3 2 01:36:07 20th 1227
22/07/24 Croeso Day 2 (UKOL) UKOL 2 (M18, M20, M35, M40) 00:52:50 20th 1269
21/07/24 Croeso Day 1 (UKOL) UKOL 2 (M20, M35, W21) 02:17:50 39th 1142
17/07/24 LOC Sprint Long 00:18:24 4th
10/07/24 LOC Sprint 1 Long 00:22:21 9th
09/03/24 Midland Champs (UKOL) and BUCS individual UKOL Course 3 (M18, M20, M35) 02:12:53 81st 976
03/03/24 Welsh Championships & Welsh League Brown 01:50:44 14th 1175 Racing Chl: Gold
22/07/12 Welsh 6 day CROESO day 1 UKOL 2 (M20, M35, W21) 02:17:50 39th