British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Andrew Rice

BOF number 900781 | Club NATO | Association NEOA | Current Points 953 | Current Ranking 4609th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
17/11/24 Durham City and Mountjoy Campus Urban Event Black 01:42:13 17th 953 Racing Chl: Silver
26/11/23 Hexham Urban 1 01:22:06 13th 941
05/11/23 Cramlington Urban Brown 01:11:19 12th 866 Racing Chl: Gold
09/07/23 Town Centre Urban (UKUL) Course A 01:33:33 8th 901
20/11/22 Newburn Local Blue 01:23:33 6th Racing Chl: Silver
02/10/22 October Odyssey: Day 2 1 01:19:00 18th 884
01/10/22 October Odyssey: Day 1 Brown 02:23:37 17th 936 Racing Chl: Silver
08/05/22 Broomley Brown 02:17:05 6th Racing Chl: Bronze
27/02/22 Washington Urban 1 01:12:24 7th
07/11/21 Cramlington Urban Course 1 01:07:18 11th 975
27/06/21 Newburn Local Blue 01:04:07 6th Racing Chl: Gold
29/05/21 Urban Sprint Long 00:42:30 42nd 879
23/05/21 Prudhoe Local Blue 01:07:35 19th Racing Chl: Gold
25/04/21 Wansbeck Local Blue 01:27:50 18th Racing Chl: Silver
27/10/19 October Odyssey Day 2 - Dukes House Woods - NEOA champs Blue 01:56:10 39th 1028 Navigation Chl
15/06/19 Saltwell Park Sprint Course 1 00:34:56 4th