British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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James Gjertsen

BOF number 988262 | Club SLOW | Association SEOA | Current Points 3558 | Current Ranking 3225th
Date Event Course Time Pos. Points Incentive scheme
15/12/24 Mole Festive Event Blue 00:46:47 12th 1206 Racing Chl: Gold
26/11/24 SLOW Night Series Long 00:32:48 5th
10/11/24 SLOW SEL and National Event Blue 01:00:14 11th 1181 Racing Chl: Gold
29/10/24 SLOW Night Series Long 00:46:02 11th
14/09/24 City of London Race 1 01:14:10 75th 1171
23/07/24 SLOW London Park Race Summer Series Long 00:35:53 17th
09/07/24 London Summer Park Race Long 00:29:50 9th
11/06/24 SLOW London Park Race Summer Series Long 00:29:57 26th
04/06/24 DFOK Park Race Series Long 00:36:23 19th
28/05/24 SLOW London Park Race Summer Series Long 00:40:40 22nd
21/05/24 London Summer Park Race Long 00:26:11 23rd
23/01/24 SLOW Night O Series Long 00:50:08 23rd
20/01/24 SO - SOG A8 - Ditchling Common Green 00:46:04 4th Racing Chl: Gold
28/11/23 SLOW Night O Series Long 00:35:06 3rd
31/10/23 SLOW Night O Series Long 00:50:22 17th
08/10/23 SLOW Regional event & OK Nuts Blue 01:14:58 19th 1136 Racing Chl: Gold
16/09/23 City of London Race (UKOL) UKOL 1 (M18, M20, M21, M35) 01:25:36 79th 1134
25/07/23 DFOK Park Race Series Long 00:38:30 27th
11/07/23 London Park Series Long 00:28:41 31st
04/07/23 London Park Series Long 00:42:17
17/06/23 Park-O P2 Preston Park Sprint 00:19:10 5th
13/06/23 LOK - London Summer Series Long 00:28:48 21st
30/05/23 London Park Series Long 00:29:49 28th
23/05/23 LOK - London Summer Series Long 00:41:05 30th
13/05/23 GO Local event Short Blue 00:47:55 4th Racing Chl: Gold
07/05/23 SAX local event Blue 00:58:40
15/04/23 SO SOG S6 - Oldhouse Warren, Crawley Blue 01:09:33 27th Racing Chl: Gold
01/04/23 SO SOG S5 - Blackland Farm, Sharpthorne Blue 00:55:12 17th Racing Chl: Gold