British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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North West Sprint Championships, 17/06/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.

Other courses: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Point calculations
1,158.92 + (127.91 x (2,075.33 - T)) / 439.62
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Charlotte WattsHALOF199200:25:351316
2Alice LeakeAIREF199100:25:481312
3Luigi LeroseESOCM197700:25:571310
4Martin WardSYOM196700:26:101306
5Liam CornerMDOCM197000:26:481295
6Simon MartlandEPOCM196500:27:281283
7Kirstin MaxwellRRF199200:27:281283
8Duncan HarrisDEEM196600:27:551275
9Nick HowlettLOCM196700:30:071237
10Jon HateleyDEEM196300:30:341229
11Trevor HindleMDOCM196400:30:521224
12Steve WilsonPFOM197400:31:411210
13Mark EdwardsSROCM196500:33:241180
14Paul MartinSNM00:33:561170
15Pauly JonesDEEM196500:34:411157
16Hannah HateleyDEEF200000:34:441156
17Rachel MercerSELOCF198600:34:551153
18Carolyn HindleFVOF199600:35:171147
19David McCannMDOCM196300:35:211146
20Clive GiddisDEEM196300:36:471121
21Stu LeveneHHM196900:37:571100
22Allan WilliamsWCHM196900:38:571083
23Richard BendreyDEEM00:39:03
24Fiona NewbyLOCF200000:42:451016
25Alison FryerLOCF199100:43:171007
26Elizabeth Hamer-DaviesMDOCF196500:43:171007
27Enrada CepeleESOCF198800:45:05976
28Paul WatsonMDOCM197400:48:30916
29Mick HydePFOM196200:48:45912
30Garry AlexanderPFOM196400:52:19849
Showing results 1 - 30 of 30